So we just finished a little head of this Goblin, the circular one. And as I said, we will continue to create other ones. Let's just select all of the elements in the control g group them up. Okay, and let's check here. Yes, I have a triangular one, and a long one. I like that one like this looking a bit like a stick.
So I'm thinking to create these two. They are similar but different enough to have different characters and the different look and feel but still Goblin. So I create a square and I go to object to path or Shift Ctrl C, and they modify the shape of the square to something like a triangle like shape. I'm control clicking the edges, which is turning them into curves, but then I'm making the node handles. Smaller again, to keep them corner like but still curvy So like smooth corners, I duplicate double click there twice to create a jawbone. And I double click here as well to create a chain.
When you click twice next to each other, you can create a little segment, you see us here, you can create a little segment on a path. And now I control click and I have this little shape looking a bit like this call. And it's definitely more triangular, and more definite than the previous Goblin. Now I go into the group and select everything I could use. I can have the mouth, the nose, the ears, and I just go back and paste it with copy paste. Because the IRS will be the same I don't have to redraw everything.
This is already thinking modular. When you're drawing vector you are already a lot of times have to think modular. Okay, so let's position the eyes position the nose Give this head a bit of a gradient. Let's be the same gradient you see every gradient has a color. Now I just come back and give this head the exact same gradient and then position the gradient line. So it is having the line from the top so the light is coming from the top I can make even rotate or flip the tooth so it's pointing upwards rather than downwards.
Make the mouth and the tooth bit bigger bit smaller and rotate. Okay, I don't want him to chew on his or her own hybl make it a bit smaller. Okay. scary enough. I rotate the eyes a bit. The whole segment good See I'm making small modifications to make it group more random.
That's the whole idea to have the same start with the same element so I don't have to redraw everything from zero but change it. And also the nose as it was on my blueprint, make it less pointy, but more like a nose, which from a fairy tale. Okay, so let's play with it. So more hooked to nose, very cartoony. just deleting nodes and control clicking nodes to turn them into corners into curves instead of corners. And this looks like half a banana but it works for me.
It is grumpy it is closing together very much with the chin. Case too much I delete this node. Okay, easy. Yeah, still looking like half across genre banana But still, it is looking funny and it is looking evil. Again, I have to color it darker here. Nice.
So it's matching the same darkness of the head. So it looks actually like it's grown out of the head. Okay, do I keep the ear position? Yes, I duplicate the head and do the same shine as I did with the circle, semi transparent. I give you the same gradient and make it smaller and move it a bit back. So the shine is coming from the top with page up and page down I position it and again I have to play with the gradient of the ears.
So it is matching the head you see. Nice and also the gradient of the inside. So it is again, has gradient so it has a 3d effect and it looks nice, but I think I dublicate the year and cut off this part. So it has a little shadow here. So the ear is having a drop shadow, not here at the bottom. So again, I go to I can see it if I change it to outline view and change the shape a bit.
So the shadow is not at the base of the year but behind the year. And now I go to path difference and cut it out. So I have this little triangle shape following the year which is helping me as you see even in small size the year to stand out from the view. I select everything and with Ctrl G, I group it up. I'm thinking if I make this smiling, Okay, looks not enough. Okay?
He's weird enough. Okay, so I select everything and group it up. And that's it. I have my second Goblin looking very much like these are more triangular. And now let's create Mr. Stick head.
He has a long haired looking like French fry. So I just create with the tool with five, four, click a little slanted rectangle and give you the same gradient already, which I know which was and then cuanto, clicking on the edges and shaping up the sides, adding nodes here and there, I create a more organic look. I gave him a neck with two clicks. Again, the same trick like before, so create two nodes next to each other to create a segment which is shapeable. Delete this node because I don't need it. Make it closer with delete the nodes here.
Yeah, maybe I don't need the neck because none of the other heads have a neck. And why is that important? Because I am creating modular design. Each modules have to have the same structure. So if there is no neck on the others, why would I have a neck here? Okay, I'm just adding some kind of like a chain here.
This is more long, different. And now with Ctrl C Ctrl V, I just put in the same elements as I had from the first Goblin again, I'm not drawing all the noses and eyes and everything again no select the ear where to put it up high, I think down here make it a bit rotated following the size of the head. Okay, looks good. Play with the gradient to beat and again play with the color of the gradient of the year. So pick it from here from the base so the base of the ear is matching the head under it. Okay, it's very dark here, but fine when we took it outside, okay, good.
I delete the nose because They move the eye a bit outside make it smaller inside a bit. Just a bit smaller. I make also the teeth different give him a bit of a Bhakti on back to just to have some fun just to make it a bit more different again than the previous guy. Okay, now replicate the shape of the head, select the mouth and read path difference. I cut it off, so the edge of the mouth is matching the edge of the head. For me, it's okay if the eyebrow is out a bit, because that's like very much forward.
It's looking like the whole four Head this forward shape a bit the head looking like a pumpkin or cucumber and with a few clicks create a bit of a different nose, boxer nose with broken pointy and just control clicking here and there. It's cuter is different it's not as pointy as the first one and not as hooked banana nose as the second one absolutely different. Put this one down a bit. I couldn't get it much more down and it would be very weird like he would wear braces. Pull the head a bit low shorter as well. A longer as well.
Again applicate the head and fix this corner and the nose fix there because it is not touched on the top. Okay, if I'm coming outside a bit, zooming out a bit, I see that it looks nice. I group it up and I have three very different heads. The only thing I miss is I made it a bit hard bit bigger. The only thing I might miss a little details like dots on the top, and the last head is missing the shine. So let's copy the dots here.
Double click to get into the head and the applicate the head shape and give it a gradient. make it smaller. Put it up a bit and to the left. So the light is coming from the top left. Good. I have to play with the Arabic which is a bit higher.
Put out Good and now with copy paste I just paste in the little dots I used there the applicate it again, scale it, rotate it a bit so it is following the shape of the sculpt. That's it my three Goblin heads are done I really hope you enjoyed the video. And on the next videos we will create torsos, arms, legs and weapons and then I will assemble my Goblin army. If you create your own bobbleheads, show it to me share with me I am so curious what different shapes and ideas you have. If you just copy mine fine. That's great already because you will learn and develop.
But if you create your own sketches and your own ideas for your own characters, that is even better for you because you create already for your very own game from your own imagination. Okay, let's move on to the access