Going on now to just wrap up this class, I want to say thank you for being here. And I'm really encouraging you to deepen your relationship with one of the elements or two if you like. I'd like to see you play with an element for a good long month, I would say, a month in a day or longer if you like. That's enough time for you to get a feel for how these relationships begin to work. A week, you'll start to notice a little bit. How much can you get to know a human friend in just a week?
Not very much, right? Give it a month, spend some time some daily time with that element, and allow that element to begin to communicate with you and pay attention to subtleties subtle changes, subtle things that might be communicated to you. You may experience sensory Communication. You may experience visual or imagery, all kinds of ways that element will communicate with you when you just open your heart and open that door of relationship to begin. keep a journal it's going to be really interesting. Have an awesome day.