This is the final section in the employment development training for you specifically how to get the gig and more specifically how to keep this section, we'll specifically deal with employability skills that will help you improve the performance and your ability to maintain your employment. The first aspect of employability skills has to do with time value and time management. Again, in a previous training, we identified that one of the main reasons people lose their jobs is poor attendance. Now, being where you need to be when you need to be is the first sign of your professionalism. Being on time is not an option. So make that a part of your daily routine which will eventually be a part of your professional image.
Always be on time. That is a serious sign. That you're not valuing your employment if you show up constantly late, so the easiest thing to be is on time and not online not only being on time but managing time while you're at work. For example, not wasting time while you're at work, be efficient work, get as much done as you possibly can in the amount of time that you're giving on your employment that makes you productive. So if you're managing your time, you are being productive. So valuing your time and managing your time is something is going to make you an ideal employee, and employee base employability skills number one, time management and time value.
Workplace relationships, maintaining workplace relationships, in healthy relationships, at work with co workers, customers, maintaining your relationship, professional relationship is absolutely critical. maintaining those healthy interactions with whom you're dealing with at work. Must be professional at all times. If you maintain a healthy relationship with your management staff, your co workers and your constituents or your customers, whoever you're working with, that's going to make you much more valuable also is a professional represent representation of who you are as a professional ethics. At some point, your ethics aren't going to be tested. The question is, how will you fare when that test becomes presente there's going to be an opportunity for you to cut corners, or to do something new under the table or no matter what your environment is, your ethics are going to be tested, which can cost you your professional reputation and ultimately cost you your employment.
For example, trying to get discounts when you shouldn't do or doing something under unethical doing something that is not company policy or compromising company policy. Don't do anything to compromise your professionalism and your work ethic. We could have affect your employability your friends, they're not going to come to the rescue of you lose your job behind doing something unethical that can cost you your employment. Exceptional communication skills, the way you communicate is absolutely vital. Professional communications, they're the length there is language that you should not use at work that may be appropriate, maybe acceptable in your friends on your social environment. But when you're at work, you're at work, you sound professional, you behave professional.
You maintain Professional Communication while you're at work at all times. And what you communicate should be professional. And that means certain subject matters shouldn't be even brought to work, gossip, inappropriate language, a lot of social stuff. Keep that to a minimum and maintain your professional communication all times. Don't let anyone compromise your professional communication by taking you off your game. When you're at work.
You're at work. Afterwards, you can talk Too or about anything, but be very cautious of what you communicate and how you communicate and what language you use while you want on the job. Very critical interpersonal skills, interacting with human beings. Most companies, their first and foremost, ideal motivation is to satisfied customers and to serve or to present a valuable product. Keep other people's needs in mind, be effective and how you interact with other human beings. make people feel good around you, when people come into your presence.
Remember, you're not only representing yourself, but you're representing that organization. So if you interact well with human beings, the world opens up for you because people gravitate towards you be a co workers, your department or your customers maintain good interpersonal skills. They use old terms to be people skills, but more specifically, interpersonal skills, how you interact with other human beings. How Effective you are engaging with other human beings. Those are the keys to the city. If you do that part well, everything else will fall into place.
One of the most valuable skills I encourage people to develop is good interpersonal skills. Learn how to deal with human beings. Maximize your effort. Again, one of those key things that cause people to lose their positions is poor work ethic, work hard, and work efficiently. Don't be afraid to do work constantly. Don't look for shortcuts, work hard at everything you do, be effective.
Put maximum effort into what you do have a good work ethic, whether it's sweeping the floor, or doing your your technical skills, or shelving, whatever your duties are. Be patient work hard. Make an excellent effort at what you're doing. Don't have you know, do half hearted or halfway do something. If you don't do something, do it right. And do it all the way.
Be a good work effort person in everything you do. The smallest thing tale to the most trying and most difficult detail no matter what it is, give it 100% all day every day just like the athlete, work hard, reliable and consistent, be reliable and be consistent. Those are valuable skills and valuable attributes for anyone, and much more valuable for employers to identify people who meet these characteristics. If you are reliable and you are consistent, you are valuable to any employee, employer. any employer would love to have individuals who meet the criteria being very reliable and very consistent. That's the name of the game.
I'm the same guy. I'm going to be there all day every day. You don't have to worry about me falling short. You have to worry about me coming up missing or missing an action. You can count on me being where I need to be and doing what I need to be doing on occasion. system level that is valuable for an employee, be that person.
Just like the athlete, you want that person to be showing up and performing at their highest level all day, every day. Every time we hit the floor, your guys gonna be there. You'd be that person reliable and consistent. be that person. Let that be a sip. A common term that is used when your employers refer to you say that person is reliable, and they're consistent, valuable.
Finally, professionalism. professionalism is absolutely critical. never compromise it. Every day. Make sure you got your professionalism and do not compromise your professionalism for anything. No matter what happens at work, no matter who gets under your skin.
No matter what conflict arises. You maintain your professionalism at all times. Whenever you're at work. You maintain professionalism. Do not compromise Never lose your professionalism. And don't let anyone else cause you to compromise your professionalism.
Oh, wise man once told me, no matter what happens, don't let anyone mess with your money. And what he meant by that is, when you're at work, you may encounter certain conflicts. Whenever you're dealing with people, you're going to have problems. Whether it's a co worker, or a customer or any person, random person, you're interacting while you're at work, you cannot respond the same way you would if you were on your personal time, because you have much more to lose. So if someone gets under your skin, and you go off or you do something to say something inappropriate or do something inappropriate, you could lose your employment because that can affect your your professionalism. There's so many things that people are doing online, but more importantly, people lose their jobs because they lose their cool at work.
You cannot afford to make that happen. Never compromise your professionalism. Don't let anyone cause you to compromise. Stay professional at all times. Even if you disagree with someone, you can do it in a professional manner. If you need to redirect someone, if you need to check someone if you need to tell someone something that may not be pleasant, you can do it in a professional way, and you maintain your professionalism at all times.
Professionalism should never be compromised. employability skills if you are all nice, and make them a part of your professionalism. Make them a part of your work ethic. If you interject these skills, in your all day everyday persona at work, you will be an ideal employee