Hello ladies and gentlemen, today we're looking at thinking hand with foot with triplets. So you know that our bottom row here, we normally designate maybe our right foot to get started and the top row, we're going to assign our right hand to play these notes. Okay, so we're working with triplets. So you can see here, we've got three triplets and three triplets. So it's just the copy, nothing changes. So let's go ahead and look at our bottom row here.
So 341-234-1234 so I write puts just giving us the beat, the tempo, being our metronome. Alright, our top row would look like this. So 341-231-2312 31231 234 Okay, so now let's put both together. So 341232 332-342-3122 341-414-1234 Okay, you know how I like to alternate the hand and foot. So here we go. Make your foot do triplets and make your right hand do the quarter notes.
So, three, or 1-232-234-2323 223 or 1234123123. Okay. And let's just use our right hand and left hand. So right now Hands and triplets left hand doing quarter notes. So 341234 and then let's switch them. So triplets with left quarter with right so 3412 312-312-3123 or 12341234.
Okay, thanks very much. Hope you enjoyed that.