8. Syncing Hand & Foot for Whole, Half & Quarter Notes

Read and Play Music Rhythms Part 1 – Whole, Half and Quarter Notes
9 minutes
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Hello ladies and gentlemen, I'm Roche, today, we're going to look at thinking hand with foot. So learning how to count our rhythms by using our right foot or left foot, right hand and left hand. So we've got four components here, I think it's always important to have some sort of either a foot or whatever, giving you that metronome. It's not enough just to have the time in your mind. For me, it does help for me to tap my foot whenever I play, it helps me keep track of the time. And also I think it it just reinforces the rhythm of your internal metronome your internal clock because I feel that my mind can tend to wander a bit if I if I don't tap my foot, when I tap my foot, left foot, either one of them or just tapping my hands.

It, it really helps me come back to the one you know the 1234 If I'm tapping my foot, almost get in a trance. Here you can see me that one measure. So we've got one here, and we've got our four downbeat. So 1234 would be in for for timing or common timing. Each box is going to represent a quarter note of time of duration. Right now we're going to look at whole notes, half notes, and quarter notes.

So throughout the series, we're going to be breaking down the different rhythms using this method. So maybe before dictation or something like that, you will see one of these little mini lessons. Okay, so the first one here, we're starting with our quarter notes, half notes, whole notes. So what we're gonna do, we're gonna break this up. Basically, we're gonna have a divider here. Okay, so everything in these boxes here will be done with my right foot.

Everything in these boxes here will be done with my right hand. Okay, so everything right, so it could be your right, as well because we're going to be alternating from right to left as we go. So we've got four quarter notes here, so 123 and four. So that would look like this. So 12341234 All right, but we want to start thinking our hand with our foot. So we need to get our foot in volunteer our right foot, and what we're going to do is simply just add a like a whole note here.

Now obviously, you can't hold a whole note with your foot, but you can hit at the exact time where you're supposed to hit. So here we have four quarter notes and on the first quarter note, we blind to hit our foot. So we're just trying to sink our hand and our foot together anything that you can can do, you kind of want your foot to be able to do as well, because sometimes you'll be reading some pretty interesting rhythms. And it's very nice to have that internal like metronome. Because you won't always have a metronome. And I find that it's just, the more that you can get each limb, thinking individually, the better of a musician you'll be, whether it's piano, because piano, you have to have your left hand doing a crazy baseline or rhythm or something, and it could be completely independent from what your right hand will be doing.

And you might want to be using like a pedal, you know, some kind of sustain pedal or muting, pedal, and then maybe you would have your left foot tapping a rhythm. So that's, that's four different things you would be doing at the same time. So some of these exercises here, I think you could start training each foot Each hand to be separate and an individual and that way they can work as a team better. So here we've got four quarter notes with our hands. So again 341234. And here with our right foot, we've got a whole note.

So that would just be like three or 12341234. together that would look like this. So 341234123 451-234-5123 451-234-1234 Okay, let's make it a little more interesting. So now let's just change this to a half now, for this to happen on here. Now this would look like this. So three Got 23412341234123412 341-234-1234 so now we're going to have our foot basically do the downbeats. So this is the situation that you're going to be faced.

When you're reading music, county music, you're going to normally have your foot doing the quarter notes of the manager. So it'd be like 12341234 and then your hands will usually be playing the more intricate lines. Alright, so let's see here. We could just do a whole note. So this would look Like this, so 34242424 we can make it more interesting like this half note. So 342342 342-423-4234 Okay, so not only should you make this your right foot, so 1234 and make the top your right hand.

So that's that exercise, but you should switch it up. So like, instead of making this your right foot, making your left foot, so then this would be one 12341234 and I could use my left hand instead of my right hand so that 12341234 you can even do right foot left hand 12341234 you could do right foot, left foot right hand. So 12341234 you can make this top when your right hand and this one your left hand. So 12341234 you could reverse that 12341234 you can even use both of your feet here. It's been a little crazy. So that would be like, if this were my right foot and my left foot look like this.

234123 So I think with all of these exercises that we show you, you should definitely do that you should switch above as many ways as you can so that no limb really gets stronger than the other one, then you'll be able to be the best musician possible rhythmically. So I think it's really important to tap your foot while playing music playing your instrument. You see musicians often tapping their foot on stage, always tap my foot for sure, when I'm practicing at home especially, it helps bring me back to the one it helps internalize my little metronome within I definitely feel that this section here is very important if you want to master and become just more comfortable with all of the rhythms that you are about to face and on your musical journey. So from now on, when we give you some new rhythms and stuff like that, whether you know it's something super complicated or super easy.

Always try and use as many different combinations with tapping your foot and tapping your hand, use the left hand, use the right hand, because you'll be seeing a lot of this in the future and it's here to help you. Thank you very much

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