29. Tying Notes

Read and Play Music Rhythms Part 5 – Tying Notes
16 minutes
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Hey guys, welcome to tying notes. Today we're going to look at what it means to tie notes together. We've looked at dotted notes, taking a quarter note, a quarter note and we've doubted it, we know that that makes a quarter plus an eighth. But there's another way to represent that. So we got a quarter plus an eighth, show you a different way, we could actually take a quarter note and an eighth note. So this dot here is representing this eighth, we could actually take a line here and tie these together.

So mathematically, this this are exactly the same But there are some situations where we need this one instead of this one and, and the opposite. So let me show you some of the easiest ways to get started with tying notes. And then I'll throw you some more complex ones and then before you know it be a piece of cake. So let's see. You can see I have four boxes here normally are four boxes, each box represents a downbeat. But in this example, each box is a complete measure.

So that's why I've got the four downbeats here 12341234. So this would be like measure number one, measure number 234. This is four metrics. The easiest thing to look at I guess with time note is the whole note. So we know that this whole note is going to receive four beats so far. But what if I wanted to have a whole note?

But that lasted for two measures. So if I wanted a whole note to be well, where we can do that is we draw another whole note. This receives for this receives four, but this would sound like this, obviously. So to do four so we got that pause about I don't want to pause, I want it to be one continuous note. Well, one thing to remember is to tie two notes together. They must be the same exact note, I know we haven't talked about pitch yet.

But let's just say that this note we're stealing this note would have to be the exact thing note the exe Act One, it can't be like Optus, like the CFO. No, you can't tie those together, it's got to be bom, bom exact same note, then we can simply just take this line. Now this is going to tie these guys together. So this isn't just worth four beats anymore. Now this technically becomes eight beats because of the help from this guy here. So one 234 Ah, time 234.

Go over here and look at some half notes tied together. So let's say I wanted to do a half note here. Another half note here. So this box is complete but maybe not Maybe I want to have a quarter note here. Okay, so, so technically, this, if I tie it together would be the same thing as doing a dotted half note. But if I put a dot here, we've got this, which is half of the measure, and this one, which is half of the measure, but now we have extra information inside the measure.

We can't do that, that that equals more than one, like one and a quarter. So what we can do is just take this half note here and this quarter, and tie them together. And then maybe we could have to fill up the rest of this we need three quarters worth of information, we could have a dotted half note, right? So here you've got your two whole notes, which are tied together. Great, we've got a half note, another half note, tied together with a quarter. We've got a dotted half note which occupies these three.

So everything here is complete, it all equals up to one. So let's see what this would sound like. So the 1234 let's look at this bit slower. 1234 um, what really makes the tie different from the.is the dot can't help you cross over into a new measure. The dots, like it's all contained within the metro. But if we want to tie things together information from like, like the next measure, this tie allows us to merge the information.

Okay? So it's, it's like the measures aren't even a boundary anymore when you can just tie into the next one. This is very, very, it's very useful for making cliches look visually like a little more appealing. I'll show you what I mean. I'll give you a couple more examples here using this for measure exercise. All right, so let's see.

Let's do a quarter note with the half note and then let's do a quarter note here. Let's A quarter note into a home note. Okay, so now we have a whole note plus this quarter. So this is all complete. Let's do a, maybe a dotted half note. Let's do a quarter, tied to another quarter.

And then let's do a dotted half note, rest. So, let's see what this sounds like. So 1234 m m ah ah Alright, let's try one more example. Let's get a little crazy. Let's do a dotted quarter rest. What's an eighth note?

Half note. Tied to another half note. quarter note, the quarter note tied To another quarter note. Let's do a dotted half note. And then just have ourselves a whole note at the end. All right, let's see what this sounds like.

1234 Is you 1234 faster well Now we're gonna look at some ties, but not in a four measure span. We're gonna break it down to two measures. Alright, you Here we go. So we're gonna start tying those together now within the measure because we don't only, we don't only use ties to take maybe information from this measure and tying it into the information in this measure. That's one of the most common reasons for a tie. I think that we can also tie stuff together within the measure to make reading a little easier.

Okay, so let's say we had four eighth notes here. And for more eighth notes here okay neighs forum. Yeah, a but maybe I want this eighth in this eighth to merge to come together. So that way I would have like three eighth notes, and then a quarter notes so it's just to show you here about so three eighth notes and then I want a quarter note and then three more eighth notes. So we got 123456, and this quarter is worth two eighth notes. So we would have 812345 678 but this is looking a little confusing to me.

First of all, it's kind of breaking our rule or crossing the line. Because the line would actually be like this. He in that note, sloppy, it's not nice. Okay, here, we have our imaginary line here. But then we can tie these together. And tying to notes and crossing that line isn't the same as having two notes and beaming them, beaming two notes that's creating a visual cliche that's easy for reading.

This is actually tying these two cliches together. This is perfectly acceptable So this would sound like this. So if we went nice and slow, so 234 even slower 1234 Let's look at another example. So here we've got a quarter note got two eighth notes. So if we had our imaginary line here we can see that this is a unit. This is very easy to read.

Then what if we wanted quarter note. I want to tie these two together. Maybe we can put one more quarter. So we can see we've got 123 to eight and a quarter. So we have four which completes and we have one. Here we've got a quarter, an eighth, and now we've got an eighth tied to a quarter.

So that value wise is the same as a dotted quarter note, quarter here. So that sounds like so 12341234. I'll show you another way to write this. I would say it's not the correct way just so that you could start See what I'm talking about how it it's actually easier to read these cliches when you don't cross that center line. And by tying those together, the same thing could look like this. This is exactly the same as this.

All right, but we've got a quarter here, we've got an eighth. So technically, the two beats are not complete yet. And then now we're throwing this guy in there contaminating the first two. So this is like, it's not a very common cliche that you will see in books. If you were to want to express this this probably be easier for someone to read like this by tying it together, because we can see that these two cliches are very like common, this guy, these two quarter notes are very common. So you take in two common, commonly seen cliches, and then tying them together these two notes here, where this you kind of creating like a whole new, a whole new word, where here's two common words that we just like linked together with a hyphen or something, right.

All right, we're gonna have some more examples of tying notes together and we have some dictations for you. Hopefully this helped you out. Let's do this. Let's rock and roll.

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