Hello ladies and gentlemen, today we're going to be looking at one of our sinking hand with foot sections. Today we're looking at eight notes here. Okay, so like we said in our last sinking hand foot exercise, we've got two different rows here, the top row will be designated maybe a right hand, left hand, left foot. All right, it can change and this bottom one will only be maybe your right foot or left foot right hand. Let's see here. So here we've got quarter notes for quarter notes.
So Ah, ha, ha, ha. And I want you to use your right foot, your right foot. So this bottom row here, get right foot so that would look like this. So 342341 12341234 so that's just going to establish our beat, establish our tempo, br human metronome. Okay, and then now we're going to explore the top rhythm with our right hand. So you can see here we've got four sets of two eighth notes.
So we've got da, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, ba, so we want to use our right hand, so that would look something like this. So three, four, da, da, da, dah, dah, dah, on 234 R. So you can see that each one of these notes gets to, so I want to and then same thing to So it's just a repetition of the same thing. It's just four little clones here, rhythmic clones, so 1234. Okay, now what I want you to do is take this top row, so the top row, so the eighth note, and I want you to do it with your foot, your right foot. And here, this bottom row, I'm going to do this with my right hand. So we've switched them, right?
That's what this will look like. So, three, four, or 123412341. good exercise for you to do with the maybe to switch them so do like one measure with your right hand, fill in the top and your right foot doing the bottom. So two, three And then switch it 1234. So if you kept switching that it would look like this 123412 341-234-1234. All right, let's try this just quickly with our left limbs. So let's make this bottom row, your left foot, make the top row, your left hand, so that would be 34451234.
We could switch that. So 341-234-1234 and obviously you could switch it like we were dealing with the right hand. Another thing you could do make this talk when your right hand make the bottom when you're less So 34234 We could also switch that. So 341234 Yep. So we could keep alternating that that that would be very good for you drummers and piano players out there. So 123412 341-234-1234 and obviously, you could do the same thing with your feet.
So 1234 so my right leg is doing our eighth notes, left leg doing our quarter notes, or you could switch that left leg doing the eighth notes so 123412341234 you can switch to 342 341-234-1234 Okay, I think that's it for eighth notes. Thank you very much