The fourth habit of highly successful people is taking action. Do remember the second habit planning, we discuss the importance of your goals and priorities. We talked about the three most important areas of life, personal health, relationships and business. You've probably set your own goals. You know what you want to achieve, you know what skills you need, and you have dreams really nice, really nice. I've got something to tell you.
You will achieve none of these unless you take action. Reading is one of your daily habits. You process a lot of information, ideas and concepts on a daily basis now, but what do you do with that knowledge? How do you put the knowledge into practice? implementation is the key word here. Take what you learn into practice in you will see results The more you read, the more ideas you will have from different aspects of your life.
There will be ideas to improve, to create to develop, give these ideas life cherish these ideas. A great quote that comes to mind here, your mind is for having ideas, not for holding them. The biggest companies in the world truly grasp the idea of speed of implementation. Look at Apple, Samsung and their smartphones. Do you see the speed at which new smartphones are launched? There is constant innovation going on.
And new discoveries are instantaneously put into the new smartphones. But enough for these companies. We talk about you. So tell me, what is it that you need to take action on today? In the past, when I was introduced to personal development, I was so excited I read every book I could put my hands on. While I was developing a positive and successful mindset.
I got something missing. And the missing ingredient was action. I was over learning and under doing, I started talking a lot about success and what I will do in the future. Some of my friends and family members didn't take me seriously because I was aiming too high. And they had the right to do so because I wasn't displaying enough activity on my side. I was just reading and talking with yours.
My philosophy changed tremendously. I started doing more in talking less. I found the balance I was missing for so long the balance between learning and doing. I respect my ideas more than ever because I believe in them. I give my ideas life through my online courses, because this is what I love doing. I asked you to keep this balance in mind Learning and Action.
Because if you do only learning chances are you won't succeed because of passivity. If you do only action, it's too risky. I want to finish this lecture with a quote by Pablo Picasso. Action is the foundational key to all success. Action is the foundational key to all success. Thank you for watching.