Hi, I'm Anthony Caldwell with Rei investment society. And today we're going to talk about creating Craigslist ads for real estate investors to market. How can we create a profitable marketing campaign that's not going to cost you any money with Craigslist. So let's get ready and start taking notes. First, you want to make sure you have a Craigslist account. So if you don't already have one, go ahead and open one today.
I wish I was on Craigslist because then I'll be getting paid for you to market with us. However, I'm not. I'm with Rei investment society, but open up your Craigslist account today. If you already don't have one, if you do have one, make use of it. Now here's the biggest issue that a lot of real estate investors even real estate agents have said ahead Craigslist is a waste of time is oversaturated um, you can't get quality leads off Craigslist. Well, that is so wrong.
Craigslist is not selling them, they aren't selling themselves. Here's why. First thing is you have to know who is your target audience for you're trying to market to for you try to get leads from Who do you want to call you? Who do you want to end up in your inbox? So you need to know that if you're looking to market properties in Alabama, well you have to know exactly what area so for example, and your Craigslist ad, you're going to go ahead and put you know, have a three bedroom two bathroom home for sale in Alabama or I have a three bedroom, two bathroom condo for sale in Upper Manhattan. These are key words every single Every single word that you put in Craigslist is a key word.
It is called as SEO search engine optimization. So Craigslist is one of the top utilize keyword platform portal that is out there. When you post anything on there, it's definitely going to pop up. So when you created these ads on Craigslist, you need to make sure that it's truly targeted for what you are trying to do. If you have a ranch home that you are selling, emphasize in their ranch, three bedrooms, two bathrooms in Atlanta, Georgia, in the sub suburbs of Atlanta, Georgia name that suburbs, put the zip code in there, you're targeting that area, you are getting a target market ID type of lead that you want to call you. So that's what you want to go ahead and do.
If this is a property that You want to do a writ with an option to buy keyword rent with an option to buy, you're going to put that in your air with an option to buy or lease options, different keywords that people may turn around and put in a Craigslist search. But in a search area, you want to make sure that you are popping up. Also what's really important is if you're looking to say, Okay, are you looking for distressed homeowners motivated sellers, then in that particular area, you're going to say something like, looking to buy a three bedroom, two bathroom house in Chicago, Illinois, make sure you put a zip code on there. Reason you put in zip codes on as because sometimes people may type in Chicago. problem is when you have big markets, there are thousands of thousands of properties. So you need to be able to stand out as to what area that you're looking for.
So you're going to put on there, I'm looking to buy then in another section in the actual body, maybe you put, we buy houses, we are investors who will buy your house in seven days cash looking for and you're going to keep emphasizing one of the other biggest issues when it comes to Craigslist ads that investors fail to do is people want to know what's the benefit to them? What's in it for them? Why should they even call you? So what you got a three bedroom, two bathroom house? Who cares? I don't care.
There's a lot of three bedroom, two bedroom houses. However, what's in it for me? What makes you so different from anybody else? on Craigslist, that is advertising that's marketing their three bedroom, two bathroom house in Los Angeles, California. What makes you different? Well, here's what's gonna make you different.
Number one, you're going to emphasize your investment. Who can buy a house quick. Number two, you would invest into the buy house fast. Number three, you're an investor who has cash to buy house. Number four, you're going to put an awesome picture on there to show them to get their attention. I don't care if there's a logo, but it can't be no boring logo that just scripted letters.
It needs to be something that stands out to show that you are a business man or your business woman. What could get their attention. Another thing, you want to make sure that you have a link on your page that directs them where to go. Under no circumstances, you want to put your phone number on there. You want to put a landing page lead, and here's why you don't want to put a phone number. You don't want everybody calling you.
You don't want everybody emailing you. You want that person that correct person that fits your criteria. to email you to contact you. So how do you do that? Well, you're going to make sure you have a landing page. And if you don't have a landing page, make sure you get with your coach and your coach will teach you how to do a landing page.
But you're going to do a landing page when you have that awesome picture that's up there that shows a nice house with some money or someone shaking hands at the closing table and it got your logo at the top. You want to make sure that if they click on a picture, it goes to your landing page. At the also at the bottom of that landing page. You will also put contact me today so I can come evaluate your house contact me today so I can buy your house. I'm ready to buy your house today. Call me.
You need to create action. You need to create a sense of urgency in your marketing campaign on Craigslist. And then that link is going to take To your landing page, that landing page, you want to have basic information on there. Your name, property address details that a property, their email address, their contact number and a best time to contact them. So this is what's gonna go in your head, what's in it for them, and not so what's in it for you, what's in it for them, and why they should be honored to do business with you why you are going to make their lives change to date. That's what you want to put in the body of your marketing campaign.
Now, to go a little farther. There's another thing that's important about Craigslist. You have to be consistent on posting. I know it can become stressful and boring. And you like you know what, there's so many people on here. It's so saturated.
It really isn't. If you click in half of those keep clicking and keep clicking and keep clicking, you're going to notice that these a lot of the same people, but they created different ads to get different people attention. And some of the ads are creating it the same person attention, but one, it may be more targeted than the other. One slogan or one headline may be more catchy than the other. So you want to make sure you're posting every single day on Craigslist. Craigslist gives you about five times to post before they cut your email off for the day.
So take advantage post those five times, post literally five times a day. You want to post two times in the afternoon in or in early afternoon, let's say 11am Central Standard post again at 1pm Central Standard. And then again at 3pm Central Standard you're done for the day. Here's why you want to post in the middle of the day. Because the longer the earlier that you post that air, the longer it's going to sit on Craigslist. And the longer it sits on Craigslist, it goes all the way down to the bottom, to the second to the third to the fourth to the fifth to the sixth to the 12th to the 19th page, you don't want to be there, you want to always stay on that first page, worst case, second page.
So to ensure you that happens, that's when you're going to go in and post most people tends to post late at night, tends to post early in the morning. Problem is there is again pushed out you want to be the one that pushes them out. The other thing is most people tend to look on Craigslist on social media while they're at work. And what time is work nine to five, they usually don't go on in the morning. Why? Because the supervisors around them the bosses around them, or if they get to go to work late, they still get to keep He is ready for school.
Five o'clock, four o'clock everybody trying to get home, they try to wrap up for the day. So they are not looking at Craigslist. But that afternoon, that 11am 12pm to 1pm to 3pm. That they does, they're sitting there, nobody's around, though phone's not ringing as much. Maybe they're on lunch. At the end of the day, that's when the average person goes to Craigslist.
You need to make sure that you're right there when they first log on. So, the other thing that I want to bring up Craigslist, is make sure that you have a CRM system. What good is getting all of these leads if you don't have them organized and you don't know how to call up or your leads. So once you start posting properly, you start getting calls for whatever you do when you do post these leads on Craigslist, so you can get these calls. You want To make sure that they're organized in your CRM system, such as, once you've identified the type of buyers, that you are looking for the type of sellers, you want to have, let's say, a section for motivated sellers, you want to have a section for people just looking for a lease with lease options or with an option to buy, you know, you want to have another section for buyers investors.
Remember, if you're posting five times a day, again, that's anywhere from four to different five type of categories. So all of your ads are going to be slightly different. But here's the but the first time you do this, I'm not gonna lie to you feel like you're going to feel like you're spending hours on a computer. But when you get ready to do it tomorrow, and then the next day, because you want to do this every single day that five times every single day, three different hours, five times by different lists. Five times a day, every single day do this right. Here's the thing.
Tomorrow, you've already created a template. So you can use the same exact template that you had for that first ad. You cannot be identical but all you got to do is change it and put some some dollar signs in there. Instead of we'll buy your house today for cash, right? Tomorrow Are you gonna put we'll buy your house today for cash, dollar sign dollar sign dollar sign, that is it. You just have to keep making it different each time.
Instead of you know, looking for a three bedroom, two bedroom home, you're going to put looking for a three bedroom two bedroom property to buy. Instead of saying looking for a three bedroom, two bedroom, two bathroom, house for sale. We're looking for a three bedroom, two bedroom home for sale. The little type of keywords you have to choose One more step. And I'm going to close out this Craigslist at the very bottom of all of your Craigslist ads. Here's the one thing that you can change if you want to leave all the templates the same, leave them all the same.
However, at the very bottom. If you are targeting a particular city, in general, just a city, it doesn't matter the neighborhood but you you're targeting a city because maybe you are doing virtual wholesale right. Here's what you want to do at the very bottom. This is how you can make a different every single time. Just put, fill it up with zip codes. Your next one, fill it up with all the neighborhoods, the name of the neighborhoods, your next one, fill it up at the bottom with all the name of the communities.
Your next listing, you want to fill it up with all different you know major streets or you know near the University of Chicago hospital near you CLA Nir, um, you know, Baton Rouge University, whatever. But those are all keywords at the bottom that people would be looking for when you're looking for a property or when you're looking to sell their property. It's all about creating a sense of urgency, what's in it for them? What makes you different? And why is your EAD going to stand out? If you can do all of this and be consistent and persistent with posting on Craigslist, guess what you are going to do?
Phenomenal. So like I indicated before, if you don't have a landing page, please get with your coach or your mentor, and they will assist you and point you in the correct direction with creating one. I'm evany