Sahasrara/Crown Chakra

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In this lesson I'll be talking about the set swara in eastern tradition, the crown chakra in Western tradition, Crown Chakra correspondences when the crown chakra is balanced about imbalance when the crown chakra is blocked, how to boost the crown chakra when the crown chakra is overactive, how to balance the crown chakra and affirmations for the crown chakra. This is why SSR chakra is the only disembody Chakra of the sevenfold chakra system. And in fact, many texts don't even consider this a chakra at all. Because it lies beyond the chakras outside of the body. It's it's an inter to above our head, it can look like a halo of energy. The six embodied chakras alternate between masculine and feminine energy.

So the Mooladhara chakra is masculine, and this word is finna. It's feminine, and so on. With this our star chakra is unified. swara means 1000 and it symbol is 1000 peddled White Lotus, synonymous with infinity, each pedal tune to the highest state of consciousness. When we reach the stars to our chakra, we become aware of the infinity of space and time, that the concepts of space and time are illusions. We are boundless and unrestricted by previous patterns.

Quote, that which has formed is not real, only the formless is permanent. Once this is known, you will not return to illusion and quote the rishis say little about the meaning and symbolism of this climactic event, because its significance is best understood through meditation itself, not through words. Having gone through this myself, I can attest to this. Quote, awareness has no form. And because it has no form, you cannot conceptualize it. In quote mudra or the Salesforce chakra.

One, please palms together to interlace all fingers except for the pinkies. Three, touch pinky fingers together pointing up for place hands at your stomach. Quote, even though all chakras can be seen as a doorway for source energy to come into the physical life, the crown chakra is the doorway for our conscious and eternal knowing to Come into the physical life. In quote. The Crown Chakra is the center of consciousness, the absence of ego, and the integration of the whole oneness and unity. It gives us the opportunity to become a living embodiment of our higher self.

It is through the crown chakra that we connect with spirit, our ancestors spirit guides, angels, the Ascended Masters and so on. The Crown Chakra resonates with white light, and the color deep violet. When I perceive the crown chakra remotely, I see what looks like an energetic umbilical cord attaching the crown chakra and thus our ability to connect with Shiva slash pure conscious energy to our Bindu at the top of her head. The Crown Chakra is connected to our sense of unity spirituality selflessness, humanitarianism, higher self intelligence, values, ethics, sense of serenity and deep peace about life, awareness and understanding, devotion, trust and inspiration. When the crown chakra is balanced, we are able to access our subconscious and see the bigger picture. we transcend the ego and have the opportunity to fulfill our highest potential.

We're able to achieve miracles in life and easily manifest our desires. Were tapped into our true nature and have a magnetic personality. You can feel unity with the universe at peace with herself. humility, a calling to serve others. devotion, inspiration, happiness, joy and positivity and gratitude Because the third eye and crown chakra are both directly associated with the higher mind, consciousness and connection to spirit, they have a lot of similarities when it comes to an imbalance. I'm still going to go through the signs of imbalance with the crown chakra, but it will sound mostly repetitive in relation to the third eye chakra.

So the crown chakra can become imbalanced due to similar forms of bad karma as the third eye chakra such as self doubt, overthinking, analyzing, and mental clutter, as well as circular thinking, disbelief slash distrust of a higher intelligence and a lack of communication with the divine. When the crown chakra is blocked, we can experience existential crisis and develop a belief in chaos, that there is no order or organization to anything. Life is just chaos. When you die, we can also develop an inability to set or maintain goals. We can feel disconnected spiritually. Loss of meaning and identity, lack of focus and direction.

Boredom, frustration, lack of joy, melancholy, self doubt, apathy, lonely slash isolated slash, no sense of belonging, exhausted, indecisive, and hopeless. Some physical symptoms are glandular disorders, sleep dysfunctions, coma, mental illness, Alzheimer's, dementia, Parkinson's, amnesia, and migraines. Some ways to boost the crown chakra are to meditate and visualize an opening. lean into inspiration. intentionally shift our perspectives. Spend time in nature and practice gratitude and acts of love and kindness.

Use the sounds ohm, and or Hmm, that's in G together and crystal bowls in by Nouriel tones, specifically designed to open boost the crown chakra. Also, fasting safely head massages headstands and placing an amethyst or clear quartz on the crown of your head and they use of spiritual medicines such as Iosco. When the crown chakra is overactive, we can experience a lot of the same symptoms as Kundalini syndrome. Because this can be caused by Kundalini energy rising too fast and or unexpectedly and blowing out the crown chakra. We can experience a psychotic break mania, insomnia, offensive, unrealistic power and develop a god complex. We can become ungrounded flaky and overly philosophical, slash intellectual.

We can also develop financial issues. We can feel frustrated, emotionally detached, chronically anxious, disoriented, a lack of common sense, self righteous and out of control. Some physical symptoms are brain cancer, multiple sclerosis, epilepsy, delusional slash schizo phrenic limp system disorders, nervous system disorders, migraines, stroke coordination difficulties and a DD or ADHD Some ways to balance the crown chakra are the same ways to balance the third eye with root chakra healing. So that would be grounding work, chanting the element Earth mantra alum meditating on stability, focusing on one task at a time versus multitasking, going out in nature and beating a drum or listening to drumming. Also, since such as cedar wood, and virtually and stones such as hematite, Tiger's Eye, and Bloodstone. Quote, it's important to raise the Kundalini energy, because that's how your awakening happens.

But then you also have to do grounding practices so that you can ground that energy back down to earth. You receive insights on the higher chakras, but you need to apply those insights to your life and that's why the grounding practices are also important. In quote, some affirmations for the crown chakra are I tuned into the union with my higher power. I surrender to a higher power to help guide my life. The universe is looking out for me. I am connected to the cosmos.

I am a unique, radiant loving being. I choose to live my life from a place of love and contentment. I release all limiting beliefs and lift myself up to even higher levels of awareness.

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