In this lesson I'll be talking about the Anahata. In Eastern tradition, the heart chakra in Western tradition, the heart chakra correspondences. When the heart chakra is balanced about imbalance when the heart chakra is blocked, how to boost the heart chakra when the heart chakra is overactive, how to balance the heart chakra and affirmations for the heart chakra. The Anahata chakra is located in our chest, and is the bridge between matter our body and consciousness. We move out of the ego and into seeing the world as an interconnected whole. On a hada means unstuck, or that which cannot be struck, injured or killed referring to one soul The symbol for this chakra is a 12 pedal Lotus around a six pointed star.
Downward pointing triangle represents consciousness descending into the body or matter, while the upward pointing triangle is matter rising to meet consciousness. The Anahata chakra is associated with the element air. And the mantra for the element air is young. The DD most associated with the Anahata chakra is the benevolent form of Shiva, depicted as looking in all directions simultaneously to bless everyone. Quote, Shiva is often called God of Destruction, but it might be more accurate to call him God of transformation, purification and growth. Since all of these depend on the destruction of a prior condition.
So a new and better state can arise To quote the mudra to awaken the Anahata chakra. One, touch the thumb and index finger together on your right hand to the palm facing up, bring right hand to your heart center. Three, touch thumb and index finger together on your left hand. For wrist back and left hand on left knee, so your palm is facing upward. Whereas the first three chakras are concerned with the self. The Heart Chakra is self less.
This chakra is concerned with forgiveness, compassion, unconditional love and acceptance. It's through this chakra that we create deeper interpersonal relationships. It is our Healing Center and develops in US between the ages of 21 and 28. The Heart Chakra transmutes and burns away bad karma. Unlike the other chakras, this chakra actually resonates with two colors. It's most often depicted as being solely green in color, but it's also pink.
Green is giving and pink is receiving. So green loves outward, it forgives and accepts others and it gives love and compassion to others. Pink allows us to receive love, compassion, acceptance and forgiveness from others. And it's the center of self love, forgiveness, unconditional love and acceptance. Heart Chakra is connected to our sense of caring and compassion, feelings of self love, altruism, generosity, kindness, respect, overall health, abundance, heart, lungs, circulatory system, arms and hands and thymus. When the heart chakra is balanced, we feel love, happiness, compassion, kindness, caring, understanding, joyous, outgoing, at ease with ourselves and others, accepting of ourselves and others non critical, secure spending time alone, nurturing, harmonious and sympathetic and empathetic.
Yes, even this beautiful chakra can become imbalanced. due to bad karma, if we don't know how to transmute it or burn it away. Have you ever been so emotionally devastated that you wanted to stop feeling all together? Have you ever felt guilty? Have you ever had a negative opinion of yourself? Have you ever compared yourself to others?
Have you ever denied someone else? forgiveness? Have you ever been unaccepting of someone else or yourself? How many times throughout your life have you been bullying to yourself? Said hurtful things like, I'm so stupid. I suck.
I'm not good enough. Or I'm unlovable. Have you ever said something hurtful to someone else? Or thought something negative about someone else? I know I sure have. It's these forms of bad karma that can cause imbalance and in my opinion, the most devastation to our mental health emotional, physical and spiritual well being, as well as to our relationships.
This is the bad place. When the heart chakra is blocked, we can become untrusting, self pitying, and emotionally closed off. We can find it difficult to forgive. We reject ourselves and others and can develop a fear of rejection. We love conditionally and withhold emotionally to punish the other person. The expectations and standards we hold for ourselves and others can be sky high and entirely unattainable.
We may dislike and avoid being touched. In some cases such as mine, we can even turn to self harm. When the heart chakra is blocked, we can feel heartbroken unloved. unlovable. unworthy, worthless, unappreciated, emotionally numb and empty, unfulfilled, lost, alone slash isolated slash inability to connect with others, a lack of empathy and like a victim. So physical symptoms are susceptible to airborne allergies, asthma, poor circulation, low blood pressure, weak immune system slash immunity disorders, and apnea.
Some ways to boost the heart chakra, or to practice gratitude in breath work. Another way is through touch such as hugging and cuddling. This may be super uncomfortable for some of you to do with other people. So my suggestion is to start with pets Admittedly, I'm not a big hugger myself, but I love hugging and snuggling my kitties and my heart just explodes when they hurt and snuggled me back. Another heart booster is acts of goodwill service via donating clothes, things and or money. Volunteering are random acts of kindness.
My personal favorite heart booster for self love is to use the Oh a Pono Pono mantra slash meditation. I placed my hands over my heart. Close my eyes and repeat. I'm sorry. Please forgive me. Thank you.
I love you. When the heart chakra is overactive, we can become quickly attached, codependent possessive and smothering, overly affectionate slash touchy feely and clingy we can have a tendency To always put others first, and to give too much of our time and energy and leave ourselves open to being taken advantage of by emotional vampires or just playing taken advantage of in general. We can lack healthy boundaries and discernment. We can develop a belief that we can quote unquote fix another person and or that our source of self esteem stems solely from what we do for others. We can develop a tendency to avoid confrontation at all costs, repress anger, for our power, and can become people pleasers. We can feel angry, used resentful, bitter, like a martyr, jealous.
Like we only exist to take care of others. serve others. Our needs aren't important and insecure. So physical symptoms are breast or lung cancer, high blood pressure, chest pain, heart attack, and heart palpitations. Some ways to balance the heart chakra or to establish clear personal boundaries and give up the martyr persona. Give yourself the love you've been craving from others.
Another way is with this serie Gayatri mantra for healing. Ra, Ma, de, sa, sa, se. So, Ra ma de de sa se So, hung ra ma de ser Say so use it to work with your core emotional wounds and the parts of yourself that you struggle to love. This mantra brings balance the tunes you to the universe. I connect with the energy of the sun, moon, Earth and universe to bring deep healing some affirmations for the heart chakra are. I love myself for who I am.
I am grateful for all the love that is in my life. The love I feel for myself and others is unconditional. I forgive all who wronged me and I will let love win.