In this lesson I'll be talking about this one has to know in eastern tradition, the sacral chakra in Western tradition Sacral Chakra correspondences when the sacral chakra is balanced about imbalance, when the sacral chakra is blocked, how to boost the sacral chakra when the sacral chakra is overactive, how to balance the sacral, chakra and affirmations for the sacral chakra. The next chakra Kundalini moves through Is this what hispana which is located in the pelvis and means, the dwelling place of the self or the seat of existence. This chakra is the seat of our creativity, sexual desires and emotions. So what history is the element water in it, so is a six pedaled Lotus containing a white circle in the silver crescent moon within, which symbolizes the element water. Just as the element Earth has its own mantra, so does the element water, which is the deity commonly associated with the chakra is Vishnu.
God in its aspect as Sustainer of the universe, just as the element water sustains life, Vishnu sustains the world. The mudra to awaken the sweat of his dinner chakra. One, place the back of your right hand on the palm of your left hand to touch thumbs together. Three, rest your hands in your lap with both palms facing up. From survival, we travel upward to the quote unquote, pleasure principle. The Sacral Chakra resonates with the color orange and is associated with divine feminine energy, fertility, nurture, receptivity, emotions, and creativity.
This chakra is about flow, joy and pleasure. It is connected to our genitals slash reproductive organs, hips, hypo gastric plexus, bladder, bowels, lower intestine, circulatory system, passion, sensuality, creativity, sense of self worth, pleasure slash enjoyment. Missy, connection with our body. Acceptance of change and sense of abundance. In the sacral chakra is balanced, we feel in tune with and free to express our emotions, comfortable in her skin. Open to intimacy, sexually expressive, passionate, creative, worthy, able to roll with the punches abundant joy in physical and earthly matters alive as an want to live life to its fullest.
Interesting. Just like the root chakra, the sacral chakra can become imbalanced by becoming blocked or overactive. Often due to bad karma. This bad karma can develop around the age of two years old. But as the chakra develops between the ages of eight to four 14 years old, bad karma can really snowball between these ages. When the sacral chakra is blocked, we can develop a weak sex drive and become sexually repressed and rigid.
We can become emotionally detached, reclusive, and withdraw from our relationships and lose enjoyment of things that once brought us pleasure. we deny our authentic self. We can develop trust issues and a fear of abandonment. We can become fantasies manipulative, and focused on the negative, expect things to go wrong and develop a limiting belief that everything is hard. We can feel shame around our sexual expression, fear around pleasure, a lack of creativity and motivated unmotivated slash lazy slash chronically fatigued worthless, unworthy, jealous of others, depressed and disconnected from life. We can also experience physical symptoms such as constipation, back pain, kidney infections, gynecological cysts, infertility, and impotence.
Some ways to help boost the chakra or to start doing things that are out of your comfort zone, go out and socialize and talk to new people. Dance, laugh and play. When the sacral is overactive, we can become unreliable, emotionally unstable. Acceptance addicts codependent, excessively promiscuous has been having multiple sex partners or develop harmful sexual behavior with Develop mood swings. We can manifest a ton of drama into our life or become quote unquote, drama queens. We also have a tendency to lack boundaries and move hosts and or change jobs a lot.
We can feel out of control, excessively sexual, overly sensitive, and the need to go out and party all the time. Some physical symptoms are urinary tract infections, contracting sexually transmitted diseases, hormonal imbalance, abnormal menstruation, and ovarian cancer. Some ways to help balance and overactive Sacral Chakra are to create a routine and habits that serve you to cultivate consistency. Choose to build stability and put down some roots or at least give yourself some time and Space job in a relationship. As long as they're healthy environments of course, learn to cultivate self love independence. Often, it's the inner child's unmet needs that are coming out and expressing this on a subconscious level.
So doing some work around healing the inner child, listening to what they have to say, and meeting those needs in a healthy way, can be very beneficial for balancing the sacral chakra some affirmations for the sacral chakra are I allowed myself to enjoy life. I am passionate and creative. I am alive. I am worthy of love and sexual pleasure. I have a right to express my desires to myself and others who I am is good enough. I am prepared to honor my body and feel good about my sexuality.