Manipura/Solar Plexus Chakra

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In this lesson I'll be talking about the Manny Pereira in eastern tradition. The solar plexus chakra in Western tradition. The solar plexus chakra correspondences when the solar plexus chakra is balanced about imbalance when the solar plexus chakra is blocked, how to boost the solar plexus chakra when the solar plexus chakra is overactive, how to balance the solar plexus chakra and affirmations for their solar plexus chakra. The final self centric chakra, the chakra is that relate to matter. along our journey is the many para which means both of gems or jewel city. It is located just above the navel and is associated with the element fire, which is represented by a red downward pointing triangle in any chakra is the seat of our personal power, self confidence, purpose and drive.

The symbol for the many Pura is the 10 pedal Lotus, and the element mantra is rum. The deity commonly associated with the chakra is Rudra. A fierce aspect of Shiva, usually depicted as a warrior or Hunter. The mudra to awaken the many para chakra one, bringing the palms of your hands together to rest your right thumb on your left index knuckle three. Cross your left thumb over your right thumb to rest on the knuckle for placed your wrist between your stomach and your heart The solar plexus chakra is the home of the ego. It resonates with the color yellow.

This chakra is associated with the astrological signs Aries and Leo, which both happened to be fire signs, just like the solar plexus chakra is associated with the element fire. Sagittarius is also a fire sign, but I don't see as much saj energy in the solar plexus as I do Aries and Leo. Sagittarius is generally laid back easygoing and aren't terribly concerned with what other people think of them. Aries are typically leaders in action oriented and very gogogo. They find it difficult to just be still Leos often need to be the life of the party and are typically very confident, although they do care about what other people think of them, mostly in appearance, but sometimes in regards to status as well. Both of these signs are very courageous, opinionated, motivated, analytical, and find it difficult to be wrong.

Why am I talking so much about these astrological signs? Because these are all characteristics of the solar plexus chakra as well. The solar plexus chakra is connected to our personality slash identity slash ego or in astrological terms our sun sign, personal power, strength, confidence, responsibility, reliability, self esteem, willpower, self discipline, focus, value, comprehension, decision making, ability to set personal balance boundaries, mental clarity, wants slash ability to lead, gut instinct, courage, ability to heal will to live, digestive system, liver, gallbladder, pancreas, and nervous system. When the solar plexus chakra is balanced, we feel confident, calm, action oriented, friendly, joyful, outgoing, charismatic, and decisive. bad karma can really kick us in the junk here in the solar plexus chakra, because both find their home in the ego. The solar plexus chakra develops in US between the ages of 14 and 21.

When we're most prone to live from the ego, and most vulnerable to aspects of the ego. It's during these years that we care most about what our peers think about us. And when we're trying to figure out who we are and what we want from life. This is the time when we really start to develop our sense of self esteem, or the lack thereof. For me personally, the bad karma I had already developed really propelled me even further downward, in my self esteem was at rock bottom. During this time, my solar plexus chakra was hella imbalanced, swinging between blocked and overactive, which showed up as a serious mental illness condition called bipolar or manic depression.

When the solar plexus chakra is blocked, we can become passive, inactive, indecisive, and overly self critical. We can have weak willpower and become vulnerable to peer pressure. We can become overly concerned with what other people think and fearful of being alone. We can also develop it Didn't seem to procrastinate. We can feel shameful, self doubting, depressed, confused, and a constant need for reassurance. We can also experience physical symptoms such as poor digestion, gas and nausea, food sensitivities and allergies, diabetes, non diabetic hypoglycemia, asthma and other respiratory problems.

Arthritis, problems in the liver and kidneys, nerve pain and fibromyalgia and difficulty losing weight. Some ways to help boost the solar plexus chakra or to do core exercises, do things that scare you, such as going live on social media or asking someone out on a date and write out what I call in quote unquote awesome live. have things that you're awesome at, and reasons why you're awesome. Then put it up somewhere you'll see it often as a reminder. When the solar plexus chakra is overactive, we can find it extremely difficult to sit still and just relax. We can become judgmental, controlling and bossy.

Overly concerned with status and feeling superior, excessively selfish slash self centered, quote unquote me first or it's all about me. hypocritical and overconfident. We can develop strong likes and dislikes, and compulsive and addictive behaviors. We can feel angry, I need to be recognized slash famous. manic, a need to be right slash inability to admit when you're wrong and a need to dominate social situations. Some physical symptoms are acid reflux.

All Sirs, difficulty gaining weight in cancer of the digestive or filtering organs. Some ways to help balance the solar plexus chakra are to practice being open to hearing what other people have to say. And being open to them being right. Start a meditation practice to become comfortable being still and make a conscious effort. Be more thoughtful of other people, and selfless. Some affirmations for the solar plexus chakra are, I am confident, I am powerful.

I accept and value myself as I am. I treat myself with honor and respect. I deserve all the love, respect, joy and prosperity that comes to me

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