The Dance of Shiva and Shakti

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In this lesson, I'll be talking about Shiva in the Shai vism tradition, Shakti in the tantric tradition, what role Kali the destroyer plays in Kundalini awakening in Samadhi. Shiva is the primal soul, pure consciousness in absolute reality in the Shai vism traditions. Shiva is both formless and with form, he is rebirth reawakening. He is both the energy and consciousness of the whole universe, and he is also Rudra. A living being in the world as well. He is also known as the destroyer of the ego, and the representation of ultimate stillness, the in swayable observer.

Quote, Shiva can exist in total consciousness and blessed but without Shakti, activate reading it, you cannot have worlds you cannot have procreation and you cannot have karma and seduction, and quote Chavez counterpart Shakti plays a major role in all of this. Shiva just is as pure consciousness, he doesn't actually do anything. He doesn't participate in the world he just sits and stillness. In Tantra, the only way to align with the vibration of the universe, that is to wake up is through Shakti. Because Shiva can't participate. He is passive, but she needs the male vibration to create a union.

Tantra calls this the dance of Shiva and Shakti. So Shiva is consciousness and Shakti is energy. Quote, only when Shiva and Shakti combined, can action, movement and creation. Arise until energy is impregnated with consciousness. It is ignorant, distorted, aimless and blind. Energy alone can produce nothing, consciousness bestows upon it content, form and direction.

Conversely, consciousness without energy is dormant power, sleeping energy, and on its own is unable to be the cause of anything in the state of absolute consciousness. When Shakti and Shiva unite in the star swash chakra, there are no polarities, and therefore, no more sorrows. There's only everlasting joy, unconditional love, unlimited compassion, and total understanding for all living beings and quote, whereas Shiva is paternal love that gives us consciousness, clarity and knowledge. Shakti is maternal. that surrounds us with warmth, caring and protection. Shakti symbolizes the feminine principle, the activating power and energy.

She is vitality, movement, change, nature, abundance, and the provider. She is Kundalini. When we look at the stories of Shakti, she has always come when humans are at their historic worst. She comes to restore and remind us of who we are. Quote, yes, Shakti is grace and beauty. But Shakti is also capable of correcting things.

Realigning us. That's the power of Shakti in quote. Cali is accelerated Shakti Shakti as the mother says, Don't worry all as well as she takes you by the hand and gently guide you to awakening Kali as the destroyer says You will lose everything and Chuck's you into waking up. Whereas Shakti moves gently and steadily, Kali works fiercely and quickly. In this way, Kali brings us to the rock bottom feeling the quote unquote, dark night of the soul, so that we have no choice but to awaken. It is also my belief that she is the cause of the spontaneous Kundalini awakening.

Kali in this aspect is the destroyer of demons. That is to say, of the ego and ignorance. She is the great purifier. The word sumati means to place together, unification of mind, or union. It is often called the bliss state. It's a state of intense concentration achieved through meditation, at which union with the divine is reached.

When Shakti and Shiva unite and the Jeeva Ahmad dissolves. It is the ultimate goal of meditation and truly Kundalini awakening. Samadhi is attained when they meditator the process of meditation and the object of meditation become one. With the union of these three points of view, the certainty and experience of Soham I am that occurs. There is no longer any sense of separateness, consciousness and self awareness continue, but not in the previous duality of I am me, and you or you, or I am a human being and God is something outside of me. The inner self remains with the Supreme Self.

Sumati is the highest state of consciousness that a human can reach in life to help This experience means realization of the truth, or rather, remembering the truth. Remembering that you are divine. Becoming liberated is by no means the end of the journey. Rather, you will now begin a new phase of spiritual evolution. Often, those who become liberated also become teachers. Some like me, remember, it's part of their purpose to teach these practices to aid others along their path, while others teach through their personal practice in actions and or simply through their presence.

Have you ever been in the presence of someone who just feels safe, warm and comforting, but also playful? You may not have even been in their physical presence, but their energy reaches you through books or videos or social media. For me, this is what I experienced with Deepak Chopra. This is also an example of what Gabrielle Bernstein refers to as, quote unquote being the light wherever you are.

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