In this lesson, I'll be talking about the five coaches. What karma is, How to Clear bad karma in the psychology and neuroscience of creating new habits. In Eastern tradition, it's believed that before we can attain liberation, we must clear our karma and purify the ego. So that the Atma, the individual self and our true Divine Self, can detach itself from the five coaches that veil it, and hamper its free development. This is the work of Kundalini rising. It's my belief that we don't so much need to detach from the coaches entirely, as we need to work with them in a way that serves our highest good.
I'm also a fan of good karma With that said, I get why Eastern traditions believe and teach what they do. being attached to our coaches and karmas can absolutely cause suffering and thus impede our personal and spiritual development. But I feel that we can and should still work with them while learning to let go. The word kosha means sheath, body or layer. Each of us has five bodies, slash layers, one in case by the next starting from the outermost layer and moving through the layers to the core of the self. The five coaches are one annamaya the physical body.
This is about really being in tune with your body, knowing what kind of food it needs, and how much and what kind of Movement it needs and how it will respond. Things like eating disorders, obesity and injuries can occur, as well as feeling spacey, ungrounded and fearful. When we are unaware of our physical body, it's healthy to be in tune with your body. But becoming attached to it can also cause suffering in the sense of fear. Fear of how it looks and feels fear of becoming injured or worse. Remember, you have a body but you are not your body.
Your body is just a vessel. You're a divine being having an experience to prana Maya, the vital energy sheath. This is our energy body. This sheath is concerned with life giving energy and vitality. The Noddy's the chakra system and elements Breath flow patterns, perceptive and motor sense, and personal energetic signature prana can get stuck, and we can feel drained, tired, bored, depressed or restless when we don't work with the energy body. When we're in tune with the energy body, we can feel calm and relaxed, as well as alive and full of energy.
Whether we're in tune with our energy body or not, can affect our personal energetic signature. If our vibration is low, or signature can feel pretty crappy to be around. Have you ever been around it? Debbie Downer type, or someone that just seems to be perma pissed at the world. Or on the flip side? Have you ever been around someone who feels like a warm hug?
Or like they eat and shit rainbows? These are examples of personal energetic signatures. If our vibration is low, we feel crappy. And if our vibration is high, we feel good. Again, we want to be aware of this kosha and work with it, but we don't want to become attached to it. Three, mono Maya, the mental sheath.
This corresponds with thoughts, emotions and the nervous system. The sheath is concerned with the thinking mind, persona and ego. It is where we store mental structures. That is beliefs, opinions and perceptions, and trauma from our childhood. When we're not aware of the chief, or how to work with it, we can get lost in negative patterns that don't serve us as well as passing thoughts, perceptions and emotions. We can get lost in fantasies and daydreaming and worry.
Have you ever become overwhelmed with panic? Just Thinking about a worst case scenario, or angry at someone over a conversation you had in your mind. We can make the mental shifts work for us by detaching from the thoughts, emotions and perceptions that aren't serving us and or are just passing by. Just because you have a thought doesn't mean you need to attach to it. The same goes for limiting beliefs and patterns. If it doesn't feel good, let it go.
For vision on a Maya, the wisdom sheath. This corresponds with awareness, inner knowing and higher intelligence. This is where intuition, insights and creativity come from. We work with this sheath when we're in meditation. When the thinking mind gets quiet, wisdom can arise. Those who do any form of psychic reading or tapping into the sheets.
We also work with this sheath when we're engrossed by a project or when we're problem solving. This is where the ego and attachment starts to naturally fall away. Where we simply observe five, Amanda Maya, the bliss sheath. The sheath is concerned with joy, unconditional love, ecstasy, tenderness and contentment. This is our true nature. We are bliss, and yet it is the most hidden part of us.
It is associated with a state of Samadhi meaning we tap into the sheath when we're in deep meditation. When we're fully immersed in the moment, when we're no longer separate from the experience the Word karma means action, work, or deed. When we think of the word karma be associated as the consequence of our actions, typically in regards to what we perceive as negative actions, meaning every thought word indeed, as a consequence, and that becomes our karma. It's often thought of as a form of cosmic justice, you do a bad thing, and the universe punishes you. It can also be a playground sort of philosophy of what goes around comes around. If you do a bad thing, bad things will happen to you.
And if you do a good thing, good things will happen to you. Of course, when we look at the world and the people living in it, this concept of karma has an obvious gaping hole in it. Good things happen to bad people all the time. Just as bad things happen to good people. This concept is flawed, because how we think of karma is misunderstood. Quote, and here's the Say that a person consists of desires, and as is their desire, so is their will, and as their will, so is their deed.
And whatever deed they do that they will read, and quote, in eastern tradition, it's believed that karma comes from one simple thing, desire. We desire food, love, safety, status, sex, money, and on and on. And this includes the consequences we desire, what outcomes we'd like, if we don't get what we want. We become upset, frustrated, and even traumatized. And that becomes what we call bad karma. It's not to say that these desires are inherently quote unquote bad.
And that's why it's considered bad karma. It's the thoughts emotions and attachments that leave us feeling unhappy, feeling frustrated, feels bad, and thus becomes bad karma. When someone hurts us and we become traumatized by the experience, this also become bad karma. When we feel happy, this becomes good karma. When we help someone else, or they help us, it feels good. And so we create good karma.
It's energy, and this energy gets stored in both the subtle and physical bodies. A baby is born with little or no karma, because it has no thoughts or ideas to start with. But because of this karma, quote, unquote energy is stored in the subtle and physical bodies. The baby may inherit karma from their parents ancestral legacy, and DNA, or even from the child's past lives. When the Vedic seers looked at what they thought was the cause of desire, they called this state of Vidya meaning ignorance. The ignorance of not knowing who you really are a feeling incomplete and unfulfilled.
The knowledge they thought was the cure to it was that we are Shiva, pure consciousness, this divine mind that is the universe come into being. This journey from avidya to Vidya is the karmic journey. Quote, Vidya is insight in the spiritual sphere that leads to salvation in the mundane sphere that leads to progress and prosperity. Vidya illuminates the mind and shatters illusions increases intelligence, power and efficiency, develops the intellect and makes it more refined. It affects a complete transformation as the root of all happiness, and is the source of illumination and power and quote so bad karma accumulates from desires Negative thoughts and trauma. All is not lost though.
There are ways to clear this bad karma. One of them is this Durga chant specifically for clearing bad karma. ohm, aim, cream, Kilim turn on Monday, the che Oh, a cream, clean cheddar Monday, the che ohm. Aim green, clean China Monday ditching. It's recommended that you chant this daily for 44 to 66 days straight. The more bad karma we store, the more prone we become to diseases, dysfunctions and hormonal shifts.
Imbalance of the endocrine system. We can become susceptible to bad habits and addictions, such as abuse of drugs, alcohol, sugar, tobacco, and so on. When we look at psychology and neuroscience and how new patterns form in the brain, we find that it takes about 66 days to completely create a new synaptic pathway. All neural connectivities that give us a bad habit, or karmic trauma need to be rewired. We're not able to completely burn away the wiring of the old habit. But we can introduce new pathways, habits and ideas that can alter our brain chemistry.
And they found that this takes about 66 days to complete. The old tantric teachings say 44 days of doing a mantra or pranayama will heal a karmic passage and create A new one. When the new pathway comes into action, the old becomes suppressed. It doesn't go away, but it becomes low in its volume and ability to chatter and the upper brain or our biology. We begin to lose the grip of that karmic element and start to become free again. Again, according to psychology and neuroscience, if we give it the full 66 days, rather than just the 44, the tantrics recommend, the new synaptic pathway will be completely created.
And that karmic element will be all that burned away entirely.