Ajna/Third Eye Chakra

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In this lesson I'll be talking about the aashna in eastern tradition, the third eye chakra in Western tradition. Third Eye Chakra correspondences. When the third eye chakra is balanced about imbalance when the third eye chakra is blocked, how to boost the third eye chakra when the third eye chakra is overactive, how to balance the third eye chakra and affirmations for the third eye chakra, penultimate chakra on our journey through the seven fold chakra system, and the final chakra that Kundalini pierces is Arjuna which means command or order. This chakra is associated with the mind, our so called quote unquote command center and is located in the brow, above in between the eyebrows. The symbol of this chakra is a two pedal Lotus pedal on either side of a circle with a downward pointing triangle within. The oddness chakra is different from the others that it's not associated with a particular deity, or any of the five elements and guts it has no madra although later traditions associated with light, and the mantra Ohm even though the ratios don't specify a deity for this chakra, they do prescribe visualizing a Linga of light, by which they mean a form of Shiva is pure consciousness within the origin of chakra.

So when Kundalini pierces the aashna, Shiva and Shakti unite, the third eye opens, allowing you to see the sash swara. This also means that we're moving away From duality, and remembering that we are so hum, I am that. In this tradition, we don't stay in the aashna or sarsour chakras, we actually come back down into the heart, where it said that the soul is, quote, in Vedanta. To meditate on consciousness needs to meditate on the meditator. This is to reflect on your own essential nature as pure consciousness. That consciousness is utterly independent of the mind, body and world.

It transcends them all. In quote, The mudra to awaken the vagina chakra. One, touch index fingertips together to fold other fingers and have them touching in between joints, sides of thumbs, touch Three, please hands at the bottom of the sternum. Thumbs in the third eye chakra is the sixth chakra and the last of the embodied chakras. In resonates with the color Indigo. It allows us to connect with spirit and our higher self in its connection with the higher functions of consciousness.

The third eye chakra is a psychic tool that is the source of the four Claire's as well as telepathy mediumship expanded imagination and visualization and wisdom. The third eye chakra is connected to our ideas, dreams, goals, values, imagination, self image, inner vision and Sixth Sense spiritual contemplation self reflection, eyes, nose, ears, pineal gland, melatonin, serotonin, and DMT. When the third eye chakra is balanced, we can enter higher states of consciousness and gain universal knowledge and wisdom. We can access our inner guidance and become highly intuitive. We let go of attachments to material things. We have a great memory, clear thinking and focused, high mental ability and are able to meditate, visualize and manifest easily.

We have the ability to separate reality and imagination and to combine logic and emotion. We can can feel calm, self assured, self trusting, connected to our higher self and other realms and spiritually guided. And imbalanced third eye chakra can be caused by the bad karma of things such as self doe. overthinking and analyzing mental clutter, denial and refusal to see the truth, denying and suppressing our psychic abilities and refusal to learn new things. Add karma creating affirmations such as I'm stupid and I have a bad memory, also causing balance. A couple of symptoms that can indicate an imbalance or sinus problems and chronic headaches or migraines.

When the third eye chakra is blocked, we can experience nightmares, forgetting dreams or have a belief that we don't dream at all. And learning difficulties. We can find it difficult to undo Understand the spiritual side and our psychic abilities, we can have a weak sense of intuition and trouble visualizing and manifesting our desires. It can be difficult for us to take in and apply new information or come up with new ideas. We can become skeptical, highly logical, dogmatic and authoritative. We can feel mental fatigue, disconnected, self effacing and that imagination and the arts aren't important.

Some physical symptoms are stroke, poor vision or blindness, seizures, neurological disturbances, and vertigo. Some ways to boost the third eye chakra are to practice visualization, intuitive exercises, and use Tarot Oracle cards. Be open to learning new things and sharing your knowledge When the third eye chakra is overactive, we can become arrogant. We can have overly vivid or lucid dreaming, hallucinations and a tendency towards schizophrenia. We can become ungrounded. flaky, forgetful, scatterbrained, easily distracted and lost in daydreaming.

We can experience insomnia and mania. We can feel disoriented, a lack of common sense, self righteous, out of control, indecisive and frustrated. Some physical symptoms are brain cysts, tumors and cancer, dizzy spells, and a DD or ADHD. Some ways to balance the third eye chakra are actually the same as boosting the root chakra. So that would be grounding work. chanting the element Earth mantra rum meditating on stability and everything that makes up our foundation focused on one task at a time versus multitasking and organize and minimize going out in nature and hugging a tree and or gardening, or even caring for indoor plants.

Also beating a drum or listening to drumming. Some affirmations for the third eye chakra are the answers to all of my questions lie within me. I trust my inner self to guide and protect me. I trust my feelings. I am full of wisdom. I am intelligent

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