So when do you pay a credit card bill? If waiting to receive your billing and you pay it then doesn't do it? What does paying it ahead of time? Now this seems like a ridiculous question. You know, when do you pay a credit card bill. Most people achieve their credit card bill and within five days they pay it off or make a payment through snail mail or online.
There's a problem with this. Even if you pay off your entire credit card bill on the due date, what is being reported is what they build you saw for example, if you're a general contractor, and you have a $20,000 line of credit from American Express or visa can be MasterCard and you use all your credit availability up during the month but then pay it off for you once you receive the bill. What is being reported to the credit bureaus is your maxed out credit card showing 100% credit utilization. You may do this month after month after month after month thinking you are doing a great service to yourself by paying off the credit card you are but you're hurting yourself and your credit score. What you need to do is go online, on your computer during the 21st to the 25th day of the cycle and pay it off at that time.
Continue to use it as you normally would. But then what is reported to the Bureau's is a minimal amount. Save 10 to 15%. Now you've maxed out your score.