Have you ever looked at your credit report and wondered just what the heck all this information is? If you ever wondered how it is evaluated for FICO credit scoring purposes FICO credit scoring accounts for what is estimated 90 to 95% of all credit decisions. It's kind of like looking at an X ray or an MRI. If you don't know what you're looking for it can be rather confusing. Let me share my expertise on this. your credit report is displayed differently depending upon the source.
Your credit report whether you receive it from annual credit report comm which is the only official site as mandated but as mandated by law from Experian, Equifax and TransUnion. A credit monitoring service, such as credit check total, or Experian comm Equifax comm TransUnion dot COMM or any of the myriad of credit monitoring sites, or when you apply for credit through a mortgage company is broken down into three areas, inquiries, credit accounts, public records and collections. Let's take a look at these three a bit more in depth. Now what is being shown on the screen is a credit report from a mortgage company.