So let's take a look at the portion of the credit report that shows the inquiries. This is from a credit report from the same one that we showed you in the previous screen. And it talks about here, right down here, if you can see my cursor inquiries made in the last two years. So being that this report was polled in 2013, May of 2013. And it's showing the inquiries that were made, like I said, in the last two years, and we're looking at when these inquiries were made, and they're going backwards in time for two years. So this particular one item Number one, was pulled by to UC, now to UC is TransUnion.
And in this case it shows the applicant is the one sometimes you're going to have applicant one and applicant two indicated by the credit report as to which person they are speaking of. And item number two was pulled the inquiry on April 20th 2012 CAC from Equifax item number three consumer portfolio services experience. So these are all hard polls. On a credit report, you're not going to see the soft polls, you'll only see the heart Polls