One of the items that the Fair Credit Reporting Act addresses is this you have to be informed if information and facts in your file had been used against you. If you have ever been refused credit or insurance or employment, due to information on or in your credit report, you must be informed and they must provide you with the name, address and phone number of the company that provided the information. Have you ever attempted to purchase something at a store or applied for a loan for a vehicle and been rejected? How about your employee or a prospective employer pulls a credit report for a job placement or for employment and they deny you based on your credit report. Here's where this part of the Fair Credit Reporting Act applies to you. Within 30 days, they must send you written notification as to the bureau or bureaus they used In contact information from that bureau or bureaus In other words, you must be informed in the prospective creditor.
The and the prospective creditor must provide you with the name, address and phone number of the company that provided the information.