This course will reveal the tricks great founders used to add Marketing Power to their plans for amazing startups. In 4 Steps John takes you into the exciting world of startup marketing, revealing what powers startups to the top – and what flops. How victorious entrepreneurs plugged into the Marketing power sources and left the competition far behind. You will walk through 4 Snippets: 1. Marketing & Selling 2. Branding 3. Buzz & PR 4. Marketing Plan Included is a Kool Tool: a Marketing Checklist for you to immediately apply to the plan for your business. John digs into and explains several key marketing questions every founder must be prepared to answer: • What is Marketing power? • Where does Sales fit in? • How can I build a strong Brand? • What makes Marketing Communications (buzz and PR) powerful? • What goes into a great Marketing plan? When you finish this course, you’ll feel confident of choosing which marketing tools to power your startup to amazing success. Like the great serial entrepreneurs do it.