Here we are at the final step, hooray. we've dug into what's required of your business. Now let's scrutinize what's required of you, then it will be time for you to make your big decision. So what exactly is required of you to start a new business? By now you should have solid responses to these five requirements. First, what are your qualifications as an entrepreneur?
Then, how well suited for doing a startup is your personal situation? Right now? How good is your idea for the business? Why are you going to start a new business? how attractive is the sketch of your plan for your business? Before you go further, you should have crisp, clear answers to those important questions.
If not, it's time to pause, perhaps going back to review process Prior snippets. Your goal is to have confident responses ready before taking the next step. Because now is decision time. Are you ready? Should I do a start up now? Well, is it a yes or not now?
Perhaps and never. Congratulations, you made it you stuck through to completion. I hope you've been stimulated, that your mind is calm and clear. And that now you see with a lot more clarity and realism. Yes, your decision is very important. Should I do a start up now is life changing.
So let me say I wish you the best on your adventure. I hope it's so rewarding. You say it's the best thing I ever did. I look for you out there in the jungle of startup land and if you wish for some assistance, look for my start one now courses. They're short, simple and powerful. Built with the best From the best, I look forward to adding your business experience in future lessons for the next entrepreneurs.
Oh one more thing I'd like to encourage you so I have a reward for you. Go to start one There, you'll see how I will send you a coupon for a 50% discount for one of my quick courses for startups. Think of them as your personal advisor. When you have a collection, it becomes your own accelerator. It can save you a lot of time help you avoid learning lessons the hard way, save precious ownership of your business.
Picking the right investors, the right plan for the right business. You'll find the courses and where you send your email at start one now calm. Get the coupon. Here are some of the startup topics you'll find it start with it's just important for you to master to build a great startup those things kills enable you to transform your initial idea into a plan for a truly lasting business. My lessons and coaching are based on the life lessons from the best of the best startup people. That includes a lot of famous startups you are familiar with.
So when you contact me, I'll send you a coupon for a 50% discount for one of my startup courses. I add courses often in response to requests by people like you. Feel free to email me on what you'd like to learn more about next. Let me say once more, I wish you the best in your adventure. Yes the best. I look forward to adding your business experience to lessons for the next wave of amazing entrepreneurs.
I hope to hear from you soon.