By now, you're Dylan. How can you identify your class a customer by going through the awesome customer snapshot? And also understand the customer pain and frustration? In this video, I'm going to share with you a template, how can you write engaging marketing message to your target audience, and this message will become your million dollar message. This is the million dollar message framework. But before we begin, I'd like you to revisit the customer goal grid framework, because whatever finding over there is going to copy and paste over here.
So you're gonna answer these three questions. Number one, what's your client biggest goal and desire? Number two, what's your client greatest dream and exploration? And thirdly, what's your client bigger pain and frustration? This is the exact same question you have already answered at the customer go group framework. After that, we can now work on The million dollar message over here I help which are the target audience to achieve what, so they can do one without one.
So I'm going to give you my example of small fish business coach, which I am a business coaching business. My million dollar message looks something like this small fish help SME businesses to double up their business revenue in the next hundred 20 days so that our clients can spend more time with their family without must frustration and overwhelm. So this is my million dollar message using exactly the same template. So go ahead and design your message. And one last reminder. Remember that whenever you're designing your message, remember the message and timeline.
Focus on the big Why Why are you currently doing the things that you are doing? be really specific and relevant. To your target audience, be complimentary when possible, and start with the template before you improvising and have fun doing it.