Next we'll talk about white papers in yellow papers and the difference and discuss what a technical white paper is. So generally, the white papers are viewed as authoritative reports that inform readers about complex products and how people are going to solve problems. I see oh crazy kind of rewritten the game, you'll see white papers that are more design heavy, more user focused. And then you still get the ones that are very, very tech savvy. You'll even see startups with multiple copies of the white paper calling one a white paper one, a technical white paper. You have multiple versions, you have a white paper after Ico, you may have a white paper after the first product is built.
You also may have what they call a yellow paper, which tends to be a little more research focus, a little bit more technical. And the whole point is really to highlight certain technical aspects that they're going to move forward with. And I guess a lot of times, they're also showing progress. And so that's why the white paper is sort of a living document. So they're even Ico startups that post their white papers on GitHub because they're constantly making version changes and updates. So that's about all you need to know.
So when you hear the topic yellow paper, just assume it's a little bit more technical. And also don't be too freaked out when you see companies with multiple white papers and multiple versions. Eventually, you'll get around to doing the same