If you're delivering at the hospital or a birthing center, here are some tips for your postpartum stay. One, make sure you rest up. If you're like me, you might get a second wind after delivering your baby. And with a new baby, you might not be thinking about sleep. You need it though. So in between the nurses checking you and feeding your newborn try to get some sleep.
It's challenging because there are constant interruptions and nurses and aides will be coming in to check your vitals to check your belly to check your baby's vitals to ask about when you last fed your baby if you're nursing etc. You may also get a visit from a newborn photographer, the pediatrician on staff and or a lactation consultants, not to mention friends and family who may want to stop by and visit. So there's definitely going to be a lot going on. But at times when you are interrupted, try to sleep. You could also choose to send your baby to the nursery if you want. This is totally your choice.
But if you do you can also ask that you're ready to be brought back for feedings or at certain times. Some moms have found this allows them to rest up better Whereas other moms prefer to keep their baby with them at all times. For my first baby, I was very adamant about keeping her with me the entire time. But for my second baby, I did send him to the nursery for part of my second night and then my nurse would bring him back for feedings. To be sure to drink and eat and after all your body just wants to you definitely want to make sure you're eating and drinking enough after delivery. This helps your body have the energy it needs and will help you recover.
It's also very important if you're nursing because that takes extra calories and energy from your body. So although you're busy with everything going on and taking care of your newborn, make sure you make time to eat and drink when your body needs a three. Keep track of winning take medication. Muslims will take pain reliever after birth. This helps relieve any discomfort down there after delivery. Make sure you mark down when you take it so that you remember sometimes the hospital staff will want you to track this as well.
For keep track of newborn feedings and like diapers if you're nursing Want to take note of when you feed your baby shine on which side and for how long. Usually the medical staff will document this. If you're using formula, you'll still want to keep track of when and how much your baby drink. Staff usually tracks how often your baby uses the bathroom as well. So you'll want to take note of this when changing them. Five asked for things when you need them.
The staff is there to help you. So if you need more water, juice, feminine products, ice packs, etc. Don't be afraid to ask. I can't even tell you how many times I asked for a juicer ice back so my most recent postpartum stay. Of course, I was polite, but that's what the staff is there for. After I had my first baby and my husband had gone home for a little bit and I needed help a couple of times with simple things.
So I called the nurse for help getting to the bathroom. I had turned really bad during delivery and it was difficult for me to walk. I also asked for help with changing my baby because I was in so much pain. I had a difficult time trying to set up to do that. So don't be embarrassed or shy away from asking for help when you need help. For doing things or if you need someone to bring something, the hospital also provides certain things for you to bring home with you.
You can always ask for extra the worst they can say is no right after my second delivery, I asked for some extra Vaseline for my son. They have tubes that they squirt out that they told us to use after his circumcision asked for extra periodontal, which I also recommend doing if you have more than one bathroom in your home, or even to have one to bring on the go. And for extra hurricane which was what I use to numb down there. During my first delivery, one of the nurses gave me extra pads and mesh underwear for postpartum bleeding, which I also appreciated. So if there's anything in the hospital already provides that you think you could use extra, it can't hurt to ask something else you can ask for his information. If you have questions.
Don't be afraid to ask them from questions about how to care for your baby to questions about when you'll be discharged when the lactation specialists or photographer will stop in etc. When the baby photographer stopped in for my second delivery, I asked her to come back later because my husband was temporarily gone and I hadn't done my makeup yet. So she was able to go do other important pictures and then stop back again later. So again, it can't hurt to ask. So to do next, download the postpartum reminders printable. The reminders in there pertain both to this lesson and the next one, and then move on to the next lesson.
When you're ready.