Be mentally prepared going back and being mentally prepared is important because if you aren't mentally prepared for your pregnancy and birth, you'll be worn out mentally and that can also make it hard for you to prepare physically. So here are three tips for being prepared mentally. One, acknowledge that things can go wrong, but don't get paralyzed by worries. Unfortunately, it is the fact that complications could occur in pregnancy at any time. From the time you can see until when you give birth. It's good to accept that fact but not get overwhelmed by it.
If you have legitimate concerns about the well being of your baby, by all means, you should talk with your midwife or doctor, but try not to stress out over the steps. In my first pregnancy I was so stressed out by what could go wrong thinking I could miscarry or I was going to die during labor or so on. But later I realized that even if one of those things did happen, it didn't do me any good to worry about it. In fact, unnecessary stress is not good for you or for the baby's health. Sadly, there's no guarantee that Nothing will go wrong but you don't want to be living in here. The truth is after you have your baby, there are still things that can go wrong.
It doesn't end with giving birth. You can be prepared, take precautions and make good decisions. But after that it's out of your hands. So there's no use causing yourself unnecessary anxiety. To Don't let unsolicited advice or negative reactions from other people bother you. It's possible that not everyone will be happy that you're pregnant.
People may say hurtful things offer unsolicited advice. say things that imply you aren't ready for a baby etc. but try not to let it get under your skin. Every pregnant woman will get unsolicited advice or opinions from someone at some point. It can hurt more if it's someone you care about and feel should be supportive of you. But don't let it ruin your day or negatively.
Impact your partner. See, three. Don't feel like you can't handle your pregnancy, birth or having a baby, you can do this. The great thing is that you have time to prepare for it too, which is what this course is about. I think every expecting mom gets nervous or worried or feels inadequate at some point during pregnancy. It's totally normal to feel anxious about something like having a baby.
But that doesn't mean you can't handle it. It just means you're human. If you're having a hard time with your anxieties, try confiding in your birth partner or another trusted friend. So to do next, fill out page two of the first trimester workbook, and I'll see you in the next lesson when you're ready, which is part five, be prepared with good insurance. And just to know I love that you're going through this course but just remember to pace yourself so that you have time to apply the suggestions and so you don't feel overwhelmed by too much info at once.