Vitamin C is a superstar among the vitamins and acts as an antioxidant, which we need for more than 300 metabolic functions, including new tissue growth and repair. Many diseases are caused by low levels of anti stress hormones, which vitamin C helps to produce. It also helps wounds and burns to heal and protects against abnormal blood clotting. So where can you get vitamin C? Literally just eat a plant and you'll get a decent amount of vitamin C. For high levels of vitamin C, try berries, citrus fruits and green vegetables like broccoli, Brussels sprouts and green peppers. green leafy vegetables like spinach are also a great source.
Even some breakfast cereals are fortified with vitamin C. As an added benefit when you eat vitamin C at the same time as iron it will help to absorb more of the iron. The recommended daily intake is around 90 milligram for men and 75 milligram per day for women. We you'll most likely get through a normal diet. So chances are that you don't need to supplement your vitamin C intake, but it can make sense to help people boost their immune system, especially when you're sick or starting to feel sick.