For muscle building or fat loss purposes, fat composition is even less important than carbs and protein composition. But consuming certain kinds of fats and staying away from others will make a big difference in your overall health. As you know, fats can be split into two main categories saturated and unsaturated fats. These categories can be further broken down into subcategories. As you can see in the following chart, I recommend you focus on mono unsaturated fats such as avocados, nuts, and olive oil. vegetable oils are a good source of polyunsaturated fats, which along with healthy saturated fats should make up most of your daily fat intake.
As for the saturated fats that are consumed, most will be from consumption via meats, and it's probably the best to stick with the healthier varieties like League Cup steak and coconut oils. fats from cheese, eggs, butter, etc. are usually not a problem for the average person when consumed in small to nominal amounts. What you should limit or Though are trans fats which can be found in highly processed foods such as junk food transfers have been shown to not only have negative effects on muscle growth and fat loss, but also be bad for your overall health.