Phosphorus is a very abundant mineral in our body and can be found in our bones, cell membranes and energy molecules. Essentially, we use phosphorus and tissue growth and sun is regularly lost through sweat and urine. So you want to replenish the amount you lose every day. You can get phosphorus from protein rich foods such as meat, poultry, and fish. But plants such as wheat, potatoes and peanuts are also an excellent source, and it's found to some degree in almost all foods. The recommended daily intake of phosphorus is around 700 milligrams per day for men and women and it's unlikely that you need to supplement it.
In fact, getting too much is a more common problem than getting too little. If however, you have hospital's deficiency, this can have a drastic effect on bone structure instability. It can lead to fragile bones, stiffness of joints and general bone pain. deficiencies can also lead to numbness, reading difficulty and general weakness. But like I said before, you probably don't have to worry about this too much and are getting enough of it through your normal diet.