An Introduction

How to Be Successful in Network Marketing How To Be Successful in Network Marketing
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Hi, I'm Scott Miller. I've been a network marketer for almost 30 years, I've made hundreds of thousands of dollars a year in network marketing. And in the beginning, I was a huge failure. In the beginning, I failed, because I didn't know what I was doing. It's as simple as that. If you're watching this video, you want to succeed.

And I'm confident I can help you. When you make mistakes in network marketing, you turn people off, and when you fail, you lose hope in network marketing people around you will lose hope to some people join a network marketing company and fail so miserably that they give up and never try again, only to accept the life they don't really want. during our time together in this course, I'm going to share with you many lessons, I had to learn the hard way. Much of what I'll share isn't being taught and without this knowledge, your opportunity, your chance to become Successful is less than what it should be. Why aren't those lessons being taught? While most people will be introduced to network marketing by people who have made very little money, if any, in network marketing, you can't teach what you do not know.

It's not their fault. This information wasn't shared with them either. Desperate to become successful, I paid a guy who had made millions of dollars in network marketing, a lot of money to share the reasons he became successful with me. I then use that information to make a lot of money for me and my team members. And now I'm passing that information on to you. Network Marketing changed my life and when you know what you're doing, it could change yours to enjoy the course.

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