First key to success is trust and confidence. trust and confidence is huge when we're feeding our baby, because babies are born with an innate ability to know how much food they need, and wonderful. So we really want to respect those signals and teach them how to respect the signals themselves. Because at this point, their signals are not so much influenced by external factors. They're very reliable. And I want you to think back during the time when you're breastfeeding, or formula feeding your baby.
You probably had some questions and doubts. I did have a lot of questions when I was breastfeeding. Baby was waking up way too much and eating way too much. And it seems like he was never getting enough milk. But it turns out that everything was fine and I was worried for nothing. And really, I know that this is very common.
Amongst parents because I do get a lot of questions about breastfeeding and formula feeding how much they should be eating. But we really want to go with baby's cues and trust in the process of feedings. So a good way to monitor that is through growth charts. If you're not already pulling baby's weight and height on a growth chart, I invite you to do that. So there are a lot of factors for both chocolate. And technically babies should be following around their same growth curve with some fluctuation in the first two years of life.
So trust and confidence is the solid foundation to a healthy feeding relationship. And I want you to keep this in mind when you're feeding your baby and trusting in the process that they will get there and they will know how much they need.