So gagging is a normal protective reflex that baby will have to prevent themselves from choking. The gagging reflex is in the front of their mouth for protection purposes, and it will gradually move towards the back of their mouth as they grow older. So when you first start solids, the gagging reflex is in the front of the mouth, which means that your baby is more likely to get you want to let baby work it out before and do painting with the gaping like tapping on their back and taking the food out of their mouth. Because those actions are adults intervention might actually cause more choking rates eight to nine months your baby should be able to eat a variety of finger foods with little or no gagging. If you are doing maybe that meaning maybe may get more in the beginning but Research shows that around eight months baby actually get less if they are doing baby led weaning versus pureed.
The difference between gagging and choking is that baby is still able to make noises and have the gag reflex. And choking baby is completely silent because airway is locked and they are not able to make any sound. So it's very, very important that you're staying with your baby. Whenever you're giving baby food, and it's also very important that baby is sitting down when they're eating and not running around. was one time that might send almost choked on a piece of orange because I was giving it to him and when he was running around and he was holding a piece of orange. Also you don't want to be feeding babies on the go so no food in the car.
Because if the baby have any issue with the food or starts choking on the food If you cannot respond to that quickly, and the way that there's either in the car seat is not appropriate for feeding. To minimize choking, always let baby the feeding. No matter if you're doing puree or baby led weaning fruit, you want to be led by the babies so letting baby take in the food himself and not putting food into baby's mouth. Last but not least, you want to be taking a CPR course so that you know confidently what to do if baby starts to choke, because that can happen anytime. That can happen with pureed foods that can happen finger foods that can even happen with milk. You can see that under the age of one is the most common age for choking incidents.
And then it slows it gradually decrease with H. molars appear around four years old. So you want to be avoiding are high choking risks to baby until they're four