So in this video, I wanted to go over some of the resources that I think really helped me in my professional development in my career, I helped me build my online business and also, you know, helped me learn a lot about lead generation as well. By no means are any of these things mandatory, or you know, if you don't do without, if you don't get this, then you won't be successful. But again, these things have helped me. And I just thought I would put it out there in case that you think it might help you as well. So the very first one local marketing vault, if you haven't heard of them, they're a lead generation course they're incredibly expensive. I paid $5,000 USD to get access to the course.
But with that being said, you know, they do provide a lot of value they have weekly Q and A's. They have a Facebook group where you can ask a whole bunch of questions and people answer a problem pretty much instantly. They have a whole bunch of funnels right. In my course, I've only given I think three funnels. But they give out about 23 or 30 funnels. And yeah, their content also gets a little bit more deeper than I have.
So if you feel like my course was a little surface level, then well, one, you know, I'm looking to add more content to it. But to you know, this course does go into it more deeply. If you're interested to see what the course is like, I'm going to include a link to a free training that the local marketing vault has in the next in a PDF in the next video In our next lesson. So you can get access to that. I'll also include a link to my YouTube video and my blog so that you can see how I reviewed it, get a more detailed look, because you know, I'm just saying things right now. But the YouTube video is kind of an inside look.
They'll show you what you actually get access to. And then the blog is just kind of a summary of that. So that's that. The second one is funnels. So I've had a lot of people ask me already messaged me directly to get access to some of the funnels that I had at the local marketing vault. This is something that I've been thinking about and may start offering this.
I'm maybe offering a whole bunch of these funnels at a discounted rate. So just to help you guys and so that you don't have to pay the full $5,000 because that's just a lot of money. I hurt my heart when I paid for it. But yeah, so I will be looking to open more funnels to you guys. So keep an eye out for that I'm going to be including again a link down in the next lesson where you can learn more about that. So books um, if you don't know me already, I love reading.
I'm always looking for something to better myself and books is really the best way to do that. I find all One of the best ways to do that. So if you if you don't know, Russell Brunson and Russell Brunson is the founder of Click Funnels, Click Funnels is a tool that I mentioned in this course already several times where you build out your funnels. Right. So Russell in secrets, he talks about a lot of amazing things. Most of it is for, you know, thinking about how to build your online business.
And that really applies a lot to lead generation as well, because you have to think about not only how is a customer worth, not just $1,000, but how do you make them worth, you know, $2,000 a month, right? You want you ideas that you keep upselling them on other products, right? So first, you know, maybe it's lead generation, but then eventually you want to help them with SEO, and you can charge them additional 500 on that. And then eventually, you want to help them on reputation management, and charge another 500 on that, right. So you just keep going and trying to monetize your clients and make the most out of it that you can secrets. I read that myself.
I have this book right here. It's super super good. I learned a lot. I haven't read the expert secrets book, but I have it right here that's on my to do list. But if expert secrets is as good any good as secrets, I would definitely recommend it. Again, I have both books, you know, love secrets.
So I think you should definitely check it out. There is a deal, it's, I believe it's free plus shipping. What that really means is that you do have to pay for it. full transparency, right? None of that it's not actually free. But I think with both books, I believe if you're in the US and you only pay $8 so $8 each, which is not too bad.
It you know if if the information is actually valuable, which I thought it was. So I grant again, I'm gonna include a link to both of these books in in the PDF that I'm going to be putting together. And then lastly, the book that I think that you should, you know, read regardless if you're starting your own business This is Rich Dad, Poor Dad. Again, I have this book right here. And I think it's super super valuable because it just gives you a perspective that I think the society doesn't really talk much about as you're growing up, right? You really the social norm is to find a nine to five job.
And really just slowly build your way up, build your income from your nine to five job, you know, move up the corporate ladder, whatever that is, but Rich Dad, Poor Dad kind of like turns out on his on his feet turn turns that around and gives you a new lens into that. So highly recommend this book. I'm gonna include a link down below. So I'm going to include a link in the PDF again. So yeah, so keep an eye on the PDF that's in the next you're going to get access to that after this video. And, yeah, one more note, again, none of these things are mandatory.
None of these things are things that you have to get, but I think really helped me in my professional career and helped me in my development helped me and lead generation and helped me a whole bunch of other things as well. So that's it for this video. Thanks for watching.