Hello, I am just checking in to see where you are on their reading journey. Whether you are going to be completed with writing your book in six months or a year, I just want to make sure that you are on track. And to really define what is really holding you back. If you are feeling like you're stuck. The only thing that ever holds us back is fear. The fear of being rejected the fear of being criticized or judged.
And I want you to let go of all those fears. We all go through them every single human being. Right. And the difference between someone who's published their book and someone who has not is they have learned how to not listen to the voice of fear. And instead they're listening to their inner brilliance to that inner author within them that says, yes, you can do this. This is about you creating that daily schedule, or weekly schedule, or every two days, whatever it is you want to create for yourself.
And to make sure that you let your family know that you're writing this book. And so it's a priority in your life. I get it. There are a lot of distractions out there. And this is about you having a mental mastery, emotional mastery, to really dive in and write this amazing piece that you're here to write to uplift humanity in some way. If I could do it, you can do it because I've been on welfare and drugs and alcohol addictions and I just found my way to push through to the other side of health.
Wellness and prosperity. And knowing that I had these inner gifts inside of me that were really wanting to be expressed out into the world. And I was so fearful of that inner voice. Because you know who's gonna listen to me? Right? I get it.
I trust that you are saying yes to you. You're saying yes to the, to the gifts that are within you. Keep going forward, keep writing, saying no, I know that you're here to share that expression of divine expression that is you and you're going to change and transform so many people's lives because of the words that you are writing the legacy that you are going to, to create out into the world. Okay. Remember, I have your back and Keep reading. I look forward to seeing you in the next video.