When you draw in SketchUp there is many a time where you need to measure or align objects or secret the guidelines. So, we can do using the tape measure and it is a very effective tool to measure the distance between and create guidelines. So we have this tool here, that is tape measure tool, you can see it here and also under the tool, you can find tape measure and the shortcut for tape measure this T and it is very helpful if you remember this shortcut because many times you required guidelines and you if you are able to remember it, your efficiency while modeling will be faster. So let's try this. So you can see the icon is like tape that we have in our daily routine and also we have this tape, you can see it's hovering on the guide lay on the corners. So we will point left click from this point.
And we can play when we hit play here you can see the distance from this particular point to this particular point is 17.790 meters. And you can see the same distance in the bottom right corner. And you can measure the length according to your need. If I want to measure the width of this particular thing, I can measure its fourth meter. And even if I want to measure the height of this particular space, so internal height is 2.68 meters, and it's quite helpful for us even the width with this internal distance between the classes is three meters. Correct three meter.
So it's quite helpful for you to understand what what are the things and the distance between them. And again, I can show you an example, trusty to say, active this tape measured to. And you can, you can see the distance between these two is 1.2 meter. So it's quite happy. And another what we can say another application of this tool is to create guidelines. Earlier in earlier videos, I have provided you example how to use line and then raise it that line to create guidelines and to create windows and doors.
But that other than that we have a more efficient way to create guidelines to use This tape measure to have been I will click it and if I want to create these things here also what I will do, I will create a guideline till here you can see it is endless and it is very parallel to this particular thing and even I will create a guideline which is parallel to this till here you can see we have two similar guideline which is parallel to it and we have the width of this one what I can say whites. So, if you want to create number of whites we can measure the we can measure the distance so it's 3.5 meter approximately, I would say. So, I will just directly make a through line or I will use the rectangle command 3.5 meter sorry 3.0 point three 0.35 and I have this and also I can multiply it by control and copy and I will multiply the number of times okay.
So I will no push and pull it down you can see I push and pull it down. I will discuss this thing how the void was created in the future video. But for now, you can see the void has been created similar to these points and it is well aligned to this particular thing. So it's quite helpful for us to create similar geometric with the use of Great lanes and whenever we do an architectural modeling, we need doors and windows to be similar and the guidelines are very much required at that particular time. So, there we use these guidelines, which is very helpful for us. And it It increases our efficiency and it is increasing our accuracy while modeling.
So it's all about the accuracy in the modeling and these this is the very important tool that we have. So try these two by yourself and let me know if any problem you get. I will cover up in the next lecture.