Welcome back, my friends, I'm very excited that I'm talking faster and faster and faster. Because I hope first you did the exercise in defining your purpose statement. Again, it might not be perfect, but that is your first draft of your life purpose statement. How exciting is that? And now, we're going to talk about your legacy statement. And this is very simple, I promise you.
For example, my purpose is enabling people to discover and live their life purpose. If you'd like to see what is the legacy that you're going to leave behind, from you living your purpose, basically, you start the sentence this way, because of me, comma bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla bla blah. In my case, because of me People are able to discover and live their life purpose. So basically, because of me coma and the impact that you defined from your purpose statement, so enabling people to discover and live their life purpose, meaning my legacy would be because of me, people are able to discover and live their life purpose, curing cancer patients so they can live healthy again, because of me. People are cured from their cancer and they can live healthy again. Or another purpose statement, for example, is empowering couples so they can live a lifelong loving relationships.
That's the purpose statement. So the legacy statement could be because of me, couples are able to live lifelong loving relationships. So basically, you just put because of me in the beginning, and then the impact that you want to create, that you have defined from your life purpose statement. Sounds simple It is simple, but simple does not mean it's something small. This simple step can help you define what kind of legacy that you leave behind. And also, from that purpose statement, it is a simple process, but it helps you create a focus on how you're going to live your life, how you're going to use your time, day to day.
So remember, simple it's not always small. A lot of times the simple things are the ones that create the biggest impact. So again, make sure you make the time to do this not find the time because if you try to find the time you will never find the time there's always something else to do. But make the time put it in your calendar or put it in your agenda, whatever it is, make sure you plot the time to do this exercise and make sure there are no distractions. And then I'll see you in the next video and we're going to talk about the I'm on my model. See you