Next, we move on to our third stage storage, how you gonna store the information you're taking in using the techniques based upon, we go back to our field friends, we have storytelling maps, and then we pass, we go to the first technique, the storytelling, you'd be surprised at what's online and hard copies. And this pattern follows throughout with the mind maps and memory palace, whether it's digital, or hardcopy, you'll be able to take that information and put it into either format, then we move our way down to words and numbers. Unfortunately, storytelling doesn't necessarily work with equation numbers, because what's going to happen is going to get so confused with visual images, attachments, different associations, and you're just gonna get muddled up. So instead stick with just words and key locations. But with the My Maps and memory palace, you will have the luxury of using both words and numbers moving our way down to the front Final step fiction or nonfiction, and the good news is it works with all of them.
So when you get to story stage, you have a lot more flexibility in terms of what technique you use. In fact, you can combine quite a few, as you mentioned earlier, in fact your mind map and use storytelling or the memory palace to remember that key information on the mind map.