The average reading speed for students is 200 words per minute with a comprehension of 60%. We fast tell you, but in this course, I'll be able to increase that by 200% by at least 400 words per minute. And a company of 80% doesn't sound like a lot, but you'd be surprised. My name is john herring. I'm the founder and CEO of study fast. And I'm excited to show you the techniques, tricks, and methods.
The number one speeding expert in America and the UK have taught me plus the unique study fast methodology, the first strategy before we get to that what we need for the course, first of all, you need time. You need approximately 20 minutes for each chapter. Take your time with details and the videos and take breaks out five minutes. Now explain the reason why. Next, show me the stopwatch of some format. You can use your phone or the watch that you have You'll then need a paper and pen to use to note down your reading speeds as we go along and take notes using mind maps, which I'll detail in the fabric chapter.
And finally, you'll need practice material. You need a book or paper that you can lay flat in front of you. So then we can do a lot of the drills coming up.