How to speed read anything, you've gone through the hard work, and now it's time to reap your rewards. But you also need to know how we're going to use your techniques in a practical sense, which a lot of speeding training doesn't do. So I'm gonna give you I'm gonna give you the fast strategy. We're going to start with the F. The first assessment, your vapid, free read, which we touched upon in earlier chapters. Next, you make your way down to active reading. So once that document is in front of you, and you've done your rapid pre reading, you're not gonna have to decide what type of speeding technique Are you going to use.
We use RSVP for online lighting or paces. Next we work on bytes of storage, the s how you're going to store the information are going to use mind maps, which advice would you then use memory palaces or the technique of storytelling, and finally the T transfer how we're going to try For what you stored into a long term memory, free techniques of teaching it, making it a habit, and then reviewing the information because a book is a medicine shelf to collect dust, it isn't meant to be read once, like a best friend, keep going back and revisiting it. Now we're going to break down each segment for the methodology. So you know how to speed anything.