The first step to the mythology, the F, the fastest assessment. This is just as important, we need to remember is rapid pre reading. But what sainthood again, so I'll put the refresher, we need to look at the title. sounds obvious common sense isn't common practice, we then need to assess how long is it going to take us by looking at the amount pages and the depth of each words and lines on each page. Then we see how much time we have as an individual to go through this. If we only have 10 minutes, then we know we need to quickly scan and skim picking out the key bits of information, as opposed to doing an in depth scan with the paces.
Then we move to purpose. Why are we reading this while we look at the game from this number to help you motivation will make sure that you're using your time efficiently because time is precious to waste it wisely. And finally, we need to look at that contents page to give you that oh A few of what you're about to take him during the rapid pre read fast will help you decide what speed reading technique you're going to use the active reading and the next step.