So now we're gonna jump right in and start adding details and we'll start with our body here. Gonna take me number one brush and I want to add one big thick stripe of this turquoise. So I'm going to take a few drops of the turquoise that we already mixed, put it in a well and add a brushstroke of water. And then I'm going to start right in the center here, right underneath the beard. And I'm just going to bring a line right across. Again, trying not to get the beard colored.
I'm going to turn my paper on its side and I'm gonna make a nice thick stripe. Right across the center. I'll fill in the edges and I'll turn my piece upside down or right side up, and I'll come in here and I'll continue to add pigment to that stripe that we just made. fill it in with more pigment. They'll take what brush and blend that entire stripe so it's smooth. Do it on both sides.
So now not only do we have a stripe, but it will be all evenly pigmented and wet. Then I'm going to go in and pick up some of this deep pigment with my brush, not the diluted and I'm just going to drop it down the sides here of this stripe. do that twice, making sure the edges nice and saturated. Then with that saturated color, I'm going to skip a space and create one more stripe. And I'm gonna just go over it a couple of times too thick in it not terribly thick. But just a little more than one brushstroke.
I'm going to take that color again and I'm going to make two more of these turquoise stripes going up the body. And again, just a couple times going over them too thick in them. Trying to make the match on either side here for the height. Then I'm going to take some of this diluted color. And I'm going to come in here and color. Just these sleeves right at the edge.
I'm going to go about halfway up. Then I'll rinse my brush so it's still wet and damp and blend that color out to the edge. Do the same thing on the side here. Add my pigment. Come back over here and drop in a little more pigment. rinse my brush so it's wet and just bleed that out.
Right to the edge and I'll let this color completely dry.