So now let's start adding our details. I'm gonna take my number four brush here and just wet it, pull a little the water off of it, and then take some of the surly in blue. Again, I want a subtle color of my sharp point. I'm just going to echo and go over the lines here and the beard. So there are five little lines to make it look like hair. And I'm going to go over them.
I'm going to go back in, take some more color and it'll dry very subtly. And I want to go underneath the hat and the nose that pull that color all the way around the edge of the beard, just to form an outline. Go in and rinse my color and just blend out the edge slightly. The switch to my number one brush, and I'm going to take a little of this sand here, color that we mixed and add a little water to it. And I'm just going to go in on the bottom of each of These hearts that are in the hat, I'm just going to deposit a little bit of that yellow hue that sand colored hue. And then lastly, with my number one brush, I'm going to go in and take some of this dark pink that we used for the base.
And I'm just going to put in some dots. So I'll make the dots and then just continue to make them kind of haphazardly. And the only thing I'm worried about is trying to maintain a round shape. Approximately all of them I'd like them to end up the same size. And I'll just go around the body placing them where I think they might be. When I'm happy with how that looks, I'll let this layer dry.