Musti Let us learn about features of different dosha body types. As for master silica, silica explains seven dosha body types, that is single dosa types three in number, what the faculty picked up prakruti and Rafa prakruti del dosha body types again three in number one the Pitta Kapha prakruti and water Kapha property seventh, lipase three those are body type or some dosha prakriti, sama means equal or perfect balance here all three doshas are in perfect balance that is that is 3% each, there is a minus points to understand in detail those are body types with OSHA prakruti in detail those are body types. Let us take the example of water pika prakruti. As it suggests, the person has natural dominance of water laughter and Pitta dosha in his body. Among these two doshas, whichever is more dominant, that dosha is written first. For example, if the person is said to have without a proclivity, it's understood that if and water are dominant in the person, but between these two doses, HIPAA and water, because OSHA is more dominant than water dosa, that's why it's written as without applicability with the first and then what on next.
So seven, those are body type is there is also prakruti. Here, all the three doses What up with that and gaffer are in perfect balance. It is also called some ad hoc recruiting. It is interesting to learn why it is called someone had to the definition of OSHA is that which causes disease when an imbalance those a and b it is dosha but we Through those shots are in perfect balance, they maintain the health and they are considered just as body tissues. body tissues are called battles. Hence the body type with all three of those as the perfect balance is called summit how to record the next let us learn about features of each dose our body types mustard, silica enlists the qualities of preferred OSHA and then he explains different features that are caused due to these qualities.
Cappadocia has the following qualities snake that undress are highly slowest not smooth, polished, gentle, tender, middle, soft, maduras, sweet Syrah, essence and energy. Sandra quality density, concentration, compactness, thickness, Munda quality del viscous slowness stimulator Quality, calmness, stillness and steadiness guru quality that is heaviness, Shiva. coldness, Videla slimy and watery. And last one is utter quality that is clarity, pure and lucid. Master Delica explains due to snack quality that is oiliness and anxiousness, the body of a person will be undress shiny and oily. This is explained as snake Banga snake that means I'm serious and oily.
Anger means body parts the skin will have good glow ARRA and shining next due to selection equality that is smoothness paulist, gentleness, tenderness due to these qualities like if a person has slept longer, the body parts look tender, smooth and gentle due to softness, quality, Covered OSHA body parts are tender and soft, due to sweet taste of preferred OSHA for who that should crap via via a pata. So due to sweetness taste of covered OSHA for prakruti individuals have dominant reproductive tissue, excessive sexual desire and sexual activities after a person usually has more number of children. Next due to saara quality of Cappadocia, that is essence and energy. The person has energetic and stable body parts. His body parts are solid and strong. It is explained in Sanskrit as Syrah some Hata sera Shetty.
Next due to Sandra quality of Cappadocia, that is density kaha person will have or budget up para una saranga ha that means all the body parts and internal organs are well nourished and that completely developed and that thick and dense. Next, earthen water elements form the composition of Kapha dosha. A plant that grows in a soil, which is rich in nutrition and minerals with good watering will have good growth, immunity and stability. Such a plant or a tree lives for long, a dense and mighty tree leaves for a number of years. A cover person with dense compact and strong body parts lives longer when compared to water or picta body types. Next, due to Munda quality of Cappadocia that is a slowness and mildness.
The hopper sons will have Munda cesta Ahava yahara that means mundo cesta. cesta means activities. The person is very slow in his activities, both physical and mental, he thinks slowly, understands the concepts slowly, he's slow to read. Act is slow in walking. All activities internal and external are slow in a cafe a person Munda Aha. If a person's take food slowly, Munda yahara we are harming speech.
The whole person takes long time to speak