Musti Let us understand the importance of prakriti. Faculty is the Constitution of a person. Constitution refers to the mental and physical rights that a person naturally possesses. Broccoli is also called those are body type. Those are type or body type. Knowledge of body type is important to plan effective treatment.
It helps the physician to know the diseases that a person is more prone to get. For example, water persons are more prone to get bone and joint health related problems such as osteo arthritis, bitter persons are more prone for gastritis and acid peptic disorders for persons are more prone to get weak digestion, obesity, lethargy and lifestyle disorders. Knowledge of prakruti helps to plan the right eye or wedding diet and regime. In the end section of this course, I have given the ideal diet and lifestyle advice to follow for each Gosha body type knowledge of broccoli it helps to know the severity of diseases and forecasts the effectiveness of treatment. For example, if a water body type person gets osteo arthritis, which is a water disorder, arthritis will quickly develop to STV form this is because water is already naturally dominant in the water person and the disease arthritis also has a water aggravation.
So here water becomes very strong and aggravates to a very high level very quickly. Compare this with a tougher person getting osteo arthritis. If a person has naturally strong joints, even if he gets arthritis, it is related. Really easy to read, because water does not aggravate to a great extent in a Kaffir person, because Kava is dominant in him. Next formation of prakruti there are different opinions regarding the formation of our body constitution. As for the opinions of master Sunita and master Wang better the formation of body constitution is based on those are predominance in sperm and over at the time of fertilization.
This opinion indicates the formation of prakruti or body type is purely due to genetic and hereditary factors. But mustard Celica explains that prakruti is decided by the quality of sperm and over the time of fertilization Next, the nutritional portion of maternal diet during pregnancy and then time of fertilization and conditions. the uterus. All these four factors influence the formation of particular dosha body type of an individual must associate the hazard described body constitution based on five elements. They are air, fire, water, earth, and ether. But for all practical purposes body type features based on through those shots are more commonly used in Ayurvedic practice.
According to master cachaca. The formation of human constitution is mainly based on the nutritional portion of maternal diet during pregnancy. The nutrition that is supplied by the mother to the growing fetus besides the priority of the person as for masters Cassiopeia Next, let us learn about influence of body constitution on our health. body type has an impact variance on both physical and mental features of a person, the choice likes and dislikes of a person is based on his body type, predominance of those shots in body type makes the person more prone to certain diseases, body type with a predominance of water dosha is called water those are prakriti. This is considered inferior. This is because water person has a weak body, weak immunity and less life expectancy.
With a body type or picked up record it is considered a moderate with moderate life expectancy, immunity and strength. Therefore, prakruti is considered superior with robust immunity, robust body and mental strength and good life expectancy. A calf a person is told to have good tolerance capacity by which he can fight against any disease and tolerate the ill effects of the Disease very capably, the body type formed by all three doshas equally is called summer prakriti, this summer faculty is considered to be healthy, whereas the other body types are more prone to diseases in some of retropie where all those shots are equally dominant, the person is less prone to diseases. This is because the one dosha balances naturally the other two, so, that those as in the person will not get aggravated, very quickly such persons with all the three doshas in perfect balance that is water 33% with that 3% and covered that is 3%.
So, such a person is not affected by the dose or variations of the season that can follow any day attend regime and still remain healthy. The predominance of one or two those in single and dual body type makes the doshas more prone to get imbalanced due to seasonal variations. Next question arises, can we change our body type body types cannot be changed it is fixed it for life as it is formed during the time of conception, but the effort of those or body type on health can be minimized with the right diet and the healthy lifestyle. So, this is just an introduction, we are going to learn about what and all all the types of productivity and what and all are their features in detail in coming up sessions.