I must say, let us learn Kapha body type features as per master Sushma Kapha person will have glowing shiny skin and have very high quality. The skin color can be compared to Bermuda grass in the water white or blue Lily moist soapnet are stem of Shara glass. These comparisons are related with the glow and texture of skin skin off the whole person is radiating well monster and has good glow and looks really attractive. But I saw that too is the foster tissue formed at the end of digestion process. It is considered as most digestive nutritive fluid. The quality of risotto determines the quality of skin.
Rosado and Kapha dosha are directly related to each other hence a dominant covered results in good quality Russia data and gifts the person with good qualities can. Next effort right is super haga attractive and well built body structures. A high quality covered OSHA, it results in good nourishment of fat muscles and bones. Hence, the body parts of a person are well differentiated and well built. Next gaffer light is premier darshana gaffer makes the person look very pleasant. Next characteristic is Madura player, a Kapha individual likes sweet substances and sweet dishes.
Next feature is good that thankful and grateful Kapha persons are gifted with good memory so they remember all the good things done by others and remain grateful next Kapha feature is birthday man. courageous the fuck persons are usually strong, both physically and mentally, they're able to face any tough situation tactfully. Next gaffa attribute is satiation tolerance Kapha persons are gifted with a stable and calm mind. They do not react hastily during tough times, but consider all the factors involved in a tough situation and act wisely with patients due to a strong body they can tolerate physical pains as well. So covered persons how great degree of physical and mental tolerance next Kapha attribute as for master Sosa's, that is alone lupa not greedy Kapha persons are generous and liberal slowness and madness are two important qualities of Cappadocia. These qualities are explained as manda in IRA.
A cover person is very slow to get attracted. do a thing are to get interested in any matter. For example, when they see a golden shovel lying on the road, they do not pounce on that, rather they think logically about to whom it may belong or what might be the consequence of stealing it and so on. Next gaffur feature is Balaban strong. Bella means strength and immunity strength here can be understood as physical and mental strength, comfort OSHA and immunity are directly related with each other, it is told practice to Balam slash ma Hilda for itself is the strength and immunity of the person. So, if a person is very strong naturally, next cafard right is ciera.
Slow to understand the concepts like we discussed slowness is the Kapha quality. So, if a person understands to very slowly but can remember things for a very long time bit of time, so he understands slow but he has a very good memory as well. Next freezer is there in Hawaii that harbors anonymity for a long time. This is an interesting Kapha feature. This looks quite opposite to gratefulness, which is also effort right? We have to understand that when a person befriends someone that friendship can last for a lifetime.
Similarly, enmity and hatred against someone can also last for many years in a cafe inducible. Next freezer is sugar lecture. The sclera part of the eye is ready white white color can be related with Kapha dosha. Next Kaffir right is currently shiny, long and strong hairs. Hair is the byproduct of bone tissue healthy Kapha begets healthy bones so Kapha persons will have best qualities of hair. Next feature is Lakshmi one when the And rich in business act of a person adopts methodical approach plans for the long term and takes well calculated risks.
We just learned that persons are non greedy so they spend less and store them money. Eventually they become wealthy and rich.