Mistake, let us take up different physical and mental features and compare the differences in water Pitta and Kapha body types. Please keep in mind that most of us are a combination of water Pitta and Kapha in varied proportions very less people are of pure water pure PETA or beautiful nature. First let us go through the physical features. First general appearance water person is not attractive, he's lame and tall. The person is also not attractive, he gets gray hairs, he has reddish tint in his eyes balm and feet. Color person is attractive with symmetrical body rounded eyes and so on.
Next palm and feet in water person palm and feet are cracked dry and rough. In PETA they are one and copper is red in color. In Kufa there are smooth and soft. Next moustache, scalp hair and body has in what a person behaves are less thin, dry, they undergo discoloration, they are left with split ends. If that person's hairs are soft, scanty and brown, they undergo grain very quickly. In cover person, scalp and bodily hairs are quick, long, curly, shiny and strong.
Mixed nails ness of a water person are dry, brittle, thin and rough nails in Krita our copper is red in color nails of a cover person are in good shape. They are strong and they have good shine. Next, eat what a person grinds with frequently. They are not in good shape and have roughness, with that person has moderate dental health, the whole person has symmetrical uniform and healthy teeth. Next, rains and tendance rains look belted out in a water person. tendons look very prominent and budget due to less body fat.
In a picture person rains and tendons are in moderately good shape. In a careful person rains are hidden tendons are beef seated due to fat layer. Next walking a water person walks fast and often haphazardly. With that person has moderate walking speed. The whole person walks slowly, he has a respectable gait. Next wealth what a person is less will be without individual is moderately well be and Kapha person is rich.
Next body part Generally water person has grace into the body parts. Body Parts lack firmness and they're usually unstable and always moving in a better person. body parts have a low stint. They are tender and soft. Generally a paper person is warm to touch in cover proxy body parts are strong, bulky, heavy, well nourished, well they marketed well beard oily with good are they have smooth, tender, soft, energetic and stable body parts. Next built water individual has leaned, tall, built and lacks firmness in the body.
Epita person has a weak fragile and tender build, and he is moderately good looking at Cafe individual Haskell symmetrical well balanced the body with the right amount of bones, muscles and fat tissue. Next feature is sweating. in water, there is less sweating, the person feels cold all the time a person sweats excessively, a cough a person sweats very less. Next body odor. Once a person has less body odor due to less sweating with the person has a very strong body odor in Kapha there is less or no odor. Next pilot, pilot of a water person is very dry.
Pilot of a bitter person is copper a random color there is dryness and he feels rusty all the time. And for persons pilot is very healthy.