No mistake, we are dealing with beta body type features asper muscle super next beta feature is made Javi made her means intelligence may be means people are naturally intelligent. Many of the brain functions involving information processing are controlled by Pitta dosha IO that explains sub hakapik data and aloka type of data as responsible for major brain functions and intelligence. So, Peter Parsons was smart and intelligent. Next feature is nipple. Now, expert with the person puts their intelligence to good work, whatever he learns, he learns weep and becomes an expert in the subject very quickly. take up any subject in which the person is an expert.
He knows all the nooks and corners of that particular subject. Next Free Cities with a victor here walk back intimidating while talking with the persons by to control the argument with their intelligent worlds with sharp mind, it is very difficult to beat them in a debate, they monopolize the entire conversation. They do not allow the opponent the person in an argument to speak at all. So they end up usually winning many arguments and debates because of their high intelligent nature because of their expertise in the subject and because of their intimidating nature as well. Next feature is a just three PETA people have an aura and brilliance in their personality. Next feature is submit issue.
Bernie huayra Radia PETA people are hard to beat in an argument or in a conference. So in a conference or when many people have come together to debate particular issue usually a person dominates the entire argument and he will be noticed more and eventually he wins the argument. Next, right off the bat is we see walling things in their dreams person sees in their dreams, yellowish red flowers, such as Alaska or beauty or Manas, perma bear see lightning they say more of fire and fire related dreams they say meteors they say gold etc. So all things which are ello ish and red in color they see in their dreams because a lot and red colors are naturally related with Pitta dosha. next bit that attribute is NumPy via means Fear not means no picked up persons Do not fear for anything, they're courageous, they're smart, they never hesitate to take risks.
They are brilliant in decision making. They do not accept defeat. easily. Next quality of pizza person is pranayama they issue a camera do they do not have any sympathy to their opponents. This is because of their natural, aggressive and intimidating qualities. They're also short tempered, so they do not have any sympathy towards their opponents.
Next feature is Sam to Anna Donna the console and grant gifts to loyal persons. Remember that the persons are usually hot and aggressive when the situation demands but when the things are cool, they remain very cool, and they grant gifts loyal persons. PETA persons are usually cool when the atmosphere is friendly, they become aggressive, ruthless and competitive when the atmosphere is hostile. Next characteristic of PETA is so that we attack Asya Asya means mouth or oral cavity person Usually suffer with one or the other oral disorders such as mouth ulcers. This is due to excessive heat in the body and dominant digestive fire. Next muscle suta compares with that traits to different animals and personalities such as snake or we'll get into gun head over yep Cheshire Cat, monkey tiger, BIA mongoose, etc.
So the short temper ness highly aggressive nature, intimidating nature never taking no for an answer. So all these things can be compared with snake oral cat monkey Tiger beer and mangoes. Next coming to India. It is important to note that suta has compared the traits of a pita with ye Keisha aksha is an ancient Hindu personality with extra we can understand argument a to an intimidating nature of persons. Next is guns for persons with the fetus Compared with gunda gunda persons are mentioned in the epic Mahabharata, they are known as formidable warriors they are fearless they do not take no for an answer. So all these things can be compared with Epic person.
Let us summarize all the features of a person with the person sweats more he has bad body odor, person has a Louis things on his body parts he has fragile and weak body copper is rubbish things can be appreciated in nails, mallet and lips balm and feet. The eyes also have coppery, reddish pins the person has unattractive body wrinkles skin early graying of has early balding and loss of hair. The person eats excessively due to high digestion strength the person hates or substances hot weather food and beverages the person is very quick to get angry but cools down very fast. A person usually has moderate immunity, moderate body strength and moderate life expectancy. Data people are naturally intelligent. They're expert in their subjects that intimidating while talking and usually are aggressive in an argument with that person's have an aura and brilliance in their personality.
They're hard to beat in an argument and they see yellowish red flowers, lightening fire meteors and gold etc. in their dreams. They do not fear anything. They are courageous and smart. They do not have any sympathy towards their opponents, but they console and grant gifts to loyal persons. They usually suffer with one or the other oral disorders and that compared with snake oil gunda Cat, monkey Tiger beer and mongoose