Now the end tag for Freddy kings out front, which is really kind of cool. So let's take it from the five of the last verse and then I'll play the tag and then I'll show you what he's doing. Right, they're really cool stuff. So that when we get to the tag, we're just gonna walk up the sixth string from the fourth fret open, I'm sorry, open sixth string four by seven. And then what I hear is kind of a quick straw. This is a part of the Freddy kings plan that i don't know i don't get this part but it sounds like he's just doing a quick like open string up thing to give him time to move his fingers to the position and then slide.
What is let's, let's take this one backwards. So he gets to this core, which is a B seventh chord shape, but he's playing it at the seventh fret. So that makes it an E seven, which is really nice. So here's a beast. If you play it here that's a beast or an ISA. For years, I thought it was a knife.
Which works but if you listen real carefully each one of my subscribers on my YouTube channel pointed this out to me. He's from Texas, and he knows guys who know how Freddie can play this. So I'll take him on his word, and it sounds like it sounds like this is the right way to play it. So what I do is I walk that bass and then just real quickly, he's doing something the by the time maybe an open, third and fourth quarter Second and third string sound just real fast. And then he's gonna make this shape at the D, which is the fifth fret of the fifth string and slide it to the seventh fret. The whole antec goes like this.
Listen to that sound. That's how it ends and that whatever he does here is so fast. You can't even tell what it is. What you hear is that chord slide, you don't even hear that little part. Fact for years, I listened to that song and never even notice that I just thought he was somehow going here and then sliding sliding up and wrapping up the song. So let's take the end tag one more time, in context by playing the last verse of the song from the fight one more time, I'll try Play slowly.
There we have Freddy kings out front