Verse number two a Freddy kings just pick it goes like this. And there we have verse number two starts out with a similar lick, but it's not the same, what I hear is starting out instead of climbing three, four, like we did the first time I hear almost like a rolling lick where he's going from an open fair, and then getting the second third and fourth fret of the fifth string before going to the second fret of the fourth string. Then he's going to stay on the fifth fret of the fourth string twice, back to the second fret, and then to the open a to start the verse. So like this And then the rest of the verses is almost the same as the first one, we've got the a seven. We've got this little roll, then we've got the play on the seven, then we've got the roll to the beat.
Right here, it's a little different because what he does is he picks the B seventh chord a little faster than he does. So he does that. Instead of this, which is what he does the first time around. So the second verse, he does this. Then he's gonna go to this leg, which is a standard country blues type lick and the key of E, what I'm doing is sliding. I've got my first finger on the second fret of the second string, and my second finger on the third fret of the third string.
I'm going to pick the third string and then slide to the third and fourth frets with that position like that. He does it twice. And this is I pick the third string and then I pick up and get the second string. So when I pick the second string, my first finger is on the third fret of the second string. So we've got this and he's gonna slide down from the fourth fret to the second fret of the third string, open third string, second fret of the fourth string, open, second fret of the fourth string, so I hear this then he's gonna wrap it up with a quick open elec, first string, open, third fret of the second string, open second fret of the third string open like that. Let me play verse number two, a Freddie King just picking slowly one more time.
There you have verse number two