Now, in this exercise, it's called the humming bee. I want you to hum and breathe. Can you do that exhale? present on for so revote on for pretty simple. Now, I'm not so good at this one. But can you bring it in on for at home?
See I freeze up, but, um easy breathing out. But some of you have taught me that you can do it while you breathe in. So there's an attempt. I'm not always good at it, and I'm putting it in because part of managing our energy is we don't have to be perfect. mastery takes time. I'm not sure I'll ever do the humming be breathing in No doubt well, but I'm quite willing on camera to be foolish and be imperfect.
Because it's another way to exercise and planet your energy and on for our own for both cases my eyeballs vibrate in inch but it's just another way to do it to break the pattern of energy you have that you want to change from. So breathing on four out on four stabilizes and slows your energy down and on for out on two raises your energy up. In out I mean huh and I'm to change my energy every time. So when the hill next time imagine yourself with more resiliency for life.